Breja: Long story short: in
Mad Max there are strongholds, in friendly strongholds you can build "projects" that give you some stuff like ammo or fuel every time you visit. There's also one called "
Scrap Crew" that "will collect Scrap while the game is turned off.
Requires online connection." Online connection... to what? Galaxy? What is this doing here? I am not a very happy road warrior right now.
mrkgnao: The page you linked to reads: "Scrap Crew functionality was discontinued on October 31st 2020 after online server shutdown".
I feel really dumb now :D I didn't bother reading the entry, just linked it and went on my merry way. Still, I'm really glad I spent time collecting parts for the damn thing.
Ah well, I'm an idiot, so nothing new. I guess if any mod sees this, they should close this. Or they can keep it as a shrine to my brilliant fact finding skills, either way works. Serves me right for making fun of the guy who thought the Winter Sale was going to last till May.