Posted November 26, 2018

I'd make a few changes, though. I wouldn't limit it to one "suicide". Make it a fast paced game and give me one me after the other and a ticking clock. The more mes I kill, the better my highscore. Bonus points for headshots and "special" kills, like punching me in my face first and throwing the dizzy me in front of a train (Or from the top of a building. Or drown the me. Or slit his wrists. Typical suicide situations.). And there should be some Jackpot when you manage to kill a me and yourself (the PC) with only (for example) 3 seconds left on the timer. Maybe something like a x3 multiplier for the last kill, making it a challenge to kill a me in a special way and to commit suicide (on the PC me) right at the end of the round. Oh, and I'd put hidden mirrors into the level (makes more sense with randomly generated levels). Shooting at yourself in the mirror could give you bonus time and make a mysterious voice asking you why you'd want to shoot yourself. The voice is your own, of course, expressing an inner conflict: There's no problem if you (the killer) kill yourself (the other mes), but it'd be a weird thing to want to kill yourself (the killer).
This'd extend the "fun" you could have with the game to an hour or two. Should be enough to give yo a weird feeling afterwards. And maybe it's even fun enough that you want to give it another try the next day, giving you an even weirder feeling.