Tistonic: how old r u?(not trying to attack you in anyway)
atleast learn/know the basic of how a computer works/components, understanding bytes/bites size aswell, Kilo bytes(KB) is the smallest > Mega bytes(MB) > Giga bytes(GB) > Tera bytes (TB)
if you're going to be a gaming person then u'll have to learn alot more
many people drives cars without knowing every bit of details but knowing the basic helps
I learn something new every day, but as long as I'm not trying to get in a game with Multi players and drive them crazy with my lack of expertise I should be ok. I'll just be driving myself crazy, or not;) I'm 65;)
paladin181: what is HOGs?
kalirion: Hidden Object Game. You know where they have scenes full of random clutter and you have to pick out the objects from a list of names? At least that's how they started, now most HOGs have full on adventure game elements and logic puzzles as well. I don't think GOG has any, but there are plenty on Steam, such as the ones by
Artifex Mundi. Big Fish Games has even more.
Some of my faves are the Dark Parables series. They have FROGS (fragmented object games) and they are fun as well. They aren't as technical as the "gamer" games of course, but I have had a lot of fun with them.
abbynormal52: I'm totally new at these games and only played HOGs before this.
hmcpretender: Wow, going from hidden object games straight to Stellaris, one of the most complex strategy games of recent years, is a bold step for sure. Respect!
Well, I hope I can earn that respect, but I do know the only way I'll fail is if I don't try. I've always been sort of the "hands on learning" type of person so we'll see how this goes. Someone mentioned driving a car, and I learned when I was 8 to drive an old jeep out on 40 acres. My mom just turned me loose out there and I can drive pretty much anything there is to drive.
It still doesn't mean I can learn Stellaris, but I won't find out in here talkin about it;) Have a great day, and it's been neat seeing how many friendly folks are here, denise