RWarehall: So and so couldn't make it, is fairly benign. But although benign, I still do question whether revealing any names was necessary and I don't think it was correct for the new "partners" to be so dismissive of HSL's concerns about it.
Whether it was necessary in a strict sense is questionable.
The reason I could imagine is, as mentioned earlier, to dismiss any concerns that certain critical voices have been excluded.
I, if I was somebody participating in such an event, might want to know that, especially if there were plans to publicize this visit later on. Agenda and stuff.
Still, even then, if it would be really
necessary to give me that information... I'd say that can be debated.
BTW Did anybody wonder that only dudes participated? :D
RWarehall: The fact that posts in this thread lead me to a decent idea about specific other users who were invited, is far more concerning (and I caught those hints before HSL even mentioned them). Doesn't speak well of these new "partners" and their ability to keep information confidential.
As I haven't seen that (which doesn't mean that it isn't so) I can't really form an opinion on whether it is true or not.
RWarehall: It also begs the question of what types of other personal user information was shared in these meetings? Were they privy to gossip like "User T E-mails constantly to get people banned"? These new "partners" sure don't seem shy in defending their right to any and all information given the User Agreement...
If such gossip was shared, and from my experience with GOG I
very highly doubt that, it would indeed reflect badly on GOG. But so far none of the 6 have claimed to have gotten such information. Which could either mean: It didn't happen (which is what I believe). OR The 6 are indeed taking their NDA serious and don't talk about it.
The first wouldn't be a problem, the second would reflect badly on GOG but not on the 6. So being angry at the 6 over it (if it had happened) seems misplaced to me.
But there haven't been any hints on that happening at all.
Edit: It could happen that I disappear now. We still have some vomiting going on here. Like I said, family is sick.