immi101: not sure why you would think that you pay for other peoples discount ?
Without RP
Poor country customer cannot afford game X for 10 currency so he won't buy.
Rich country (just to make it easy) cutomer buys game X for 10 currency.
Units sold: 1
With RP:
Poor country customer can afford the game X because of discount for 7 currency and buys.
Rich country customer has now a higher price and pays in addition to the base price the discount price for poor country customer 3 + 10 = 13.
Units sold 2
So in the end the discount for the poor is payed by the customers from the rich. Of course in reality this thing is not that easy but basically the principle of RP is let tjose who can afford more pay more so those who don't have enough can also buy without us losing any money per unit.
immi101: And currency exchange rates don't make up for the different income levels.
Maybe not completely but they make up for a bit of it.
adaliabooks: Now I'm imagining you conga'd into the bar... :D
GR00T: And we looked fabulous!
And now I am sad that we did not actually do that :(