Posted March 01, 2020

Grey Havens
Registered: Jan 2010
From South Africa

New User
Registered: Jul 2011
From Australia
Posted March 01, 2020
Awwwww man I would've loved to visit the guys at gog.

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Registered: Feb 2010
From Other

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark
Posted March 01, 2020
Yup, that sums it up nicely. As I said, there's nothing surprising about this happening to GOG. It's just the way it goes.
You suspect correctly. That's why I didn't leave the GOG community for a different one. I just left the GOG community. No reason to exchange one toxic place for another.
You suspect correctly. That's why I didn't leave the GOG community for a different one. I just left the GOG community. No reason to exchange one toxic place for another.
Post edited March 01, 2020 by Wishbone

New User
Registered: Feb 2010
From Other
Posted March 01, 2020

♥ Pony ♥
Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted March 01, 2020

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted March 02, 2020

GOG did a lot wrong, at least from my point of view but what happened to the community is not their fault, at least not directly. Things have just generally gotten terrible everywhere on the Internet. I used to have many fun conversations here about lots of nerdy stuff - movies, tv series, RPGs etc. But these days you can't even mention Star Wars or something like that without it becoming a flame war about gender and shit in five minutes.

And yes, things have been calm for a while now with no new screw-ups, at least as far as I know, being somewhat out of the loop. But nothing will ever make me trust GOG and their integrity again the way I used to.
Post edited March 02, 2020 by Breja

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland
Posted March 03, 2020
I understand your points, the current politically charged climate is infiltrating every online community you sadly cannot really escape it and there is not really any magical solution against it.
There is also the issue of, not to sound too elitist, that usually online community tends to be a lot more "friendly" the more niche they are so of course you cannot really expect today's Gog to have the same "classy community" than it had when it was only about "Good old games" with a much more limited audience.
So I think that there is only limited things that Gog can really do about it; they tried initially, even before they invited us, they continued afterwards by hiring a community manager and IMHO things were improving, but sadly the stupid twitter controversies abruptly killed both Linko Gog's career and most of their efforts in that direction.
Since then, while as whole, the moderation is more present than before, their presence on the forum as been limited to a bare minimum and I wouldn't be surprised if they received instruction to avoid any unneeded interaction with the community in fear that one misinterpreted comment or joke would trigger the next Twitter shitstorm.
While it is sad I don't really blame them for that, like I said there is not a lot you can do, forbidding political discussion was a good thing but given how politics and agendas are forced into everything nowadays (thanks in good part to the gaming press itself) it becomes very hard to have a discussion about anything without it derailing into yet another name calling competition.
Honestly, while it's far from perfect, I don't mind the moderation too much, it's usually rather neutral (which IMHO is very important) and most of the time when a thread is closed you know why. If anything I prefer it like it is now rather than it becoming a totalitarian dystopian cesspool like ResetEra is for example.
Apart from that I am a little disappointed in the lack of improvement on the forum or even the site itself, I was expecting we would have to wait at least a year before noticing any significant change but, here we are, nearly three years later and the forum is still there with the same old bugs, the shop part changed a little but still has the same quirks, when the profiles were released I was hopping it would be the first of many major changes for the web site but sadly it apparently wasn't the case.
They did improve things for the offline installer, I have to give them that, I still don't understand why they didn't do it like that since the beginning as it would have avoided a lot of drama, but still, they listened and fixed most of the issues that peoples were having with them. Galaxy 2.0, while progressing rather slowly IMHO, is also a step in the right direction as far as optional client goes.
Wishbone: As for GOG itself (outside of the community side of it), I think it just grew too big too fast, and as it did, the things that made it special (at least in my eyes) were lost. As I have said before I think that Gog mistake was to start selling newer games under the "gog" name, don't get me wrong I love to have a place where I can purchase newer games including some AAA DRM-free, but I think they should have kept the "old games" and the "new games" separated; keep Gog for old games, sold cheap, 100% complete with no issue of missing patched, DLCs, etc... and then create a sister site for newer games with all the negative attached to newer games like constant patches, DLC, regional pricing, etc...
It's was pretty obvious, at least IMHO, that you cannot have the same "principles" for newer games than you can enforce for older ones, maybe you can if you are called Steam, but not when you represent only a fraction of the market.
Personally I haven't really changed my habit as far a Gog is concerned, but then again I never was a huge forum poster to begin with, being more of a lurker, I do regret that the blues have become a nearly instinct species but I can understand why they have gotten overly cautious and want to avoid taking any risk. I still visit Gog daily but it's mostly to see what new games are released or unofficially announced.
There is also the issue of, not to sound too elitist, that usually online community tends to be a lot more "friendly" the more niche they are so of course you cannot really expect today's Gog to have the same "classy community" than it had when it was only about "Good old games" with a much more limited audience.
So I think that there is only limited things that Gog can really do about it; they tried initially, even before they invited us, they continued afterwards by hiring a community manager and IMHO things were improving, but sadly the stupid twitter controversies abruptly killed both Linko Gog's career and most of their efforts in that direction.
Since then, while as whole, the moderation is more present than before, their presence on the forum as been limited to a bare minimum and I wouldn't be surprised if they received instruction to avoid any unneeded interaction with the community in fear that one misinterpreted comment or joke would trigger the next Twitter shitstorm.
While it is sad I don't really blame them for that, like I said there is not a lot you can do, forbidding political discussion was a good thing but given how politics and agendas are forced into everything nowadays (thanks in good part to the gaming press itself) it becomes very hard to have a discussion about anything without it derailing into yet another name calling competition.
Honestly, while it's far from perfect, I don't mind the moderation too much, it's usually rather neutral (which IMHO is very important) and most of the time when a thread is closed you know why. If anything I prefer it like it is now rather than it becoming a totalitarian dystopian cesspool like ResetEra is for example.
Apart from that I am a little disappointed in the lack of improvement on the forum or even the site itself, I was expecting we would have to wait at least a year before noticing any significant change but, here we are, nearly three years later and the forum is still there with the same old bugs, the shop part changed a little but still has the same quirks, when the profiles were released I was hopping it would be the first of many major changes for the web site but sadly it apparently wasn't the case.
They did improve things for the offline installer, I have to give them that, I still don't understand why they didn't do it like that since the beginning as it would have avoided a lot of drama, but still, they listened and fixed most of the issues that peoples were having with them. Galaxy 2.0, while progressing rather slowly IMHO, is also a step in the right direction as far as optional client goes.

It's was pretty obvious, at least IMHO, that you cannot have the same "principles" for newer games than you can enforce for older ones, maybe you can if you are called Steam, but not when you represent only a fraction of the market.
Personally I haven't really changed my habit as far a Gog is concerned, but then again I never was a huge forum poster to begin with, being more of a lurker, I do regret that the blues have become a nearly instinct species but I can understand why they have gotten overly cautious and want to avoid taking any risk. I still visit Gog daily but it's mostly to see what new games are released or unofficially announced.
Post edited March 03, 2020 by Gersen

New User
Registered: Feb 2010
From Other
Posted March 04, 2020
Speaking of changes, GOG has been making several polls on their FB site lately, asking followers which colors they'd choose for each category of game.
I suspect they're gathering ideas in order to revamp the site (like choosing colors for the game pages).
I suspect they're gathering ideas in order to revamp the site (like choosing colors for the game pages).

New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted March 04, 2020

I suspect they're gathering ideas in order to revamp the site (like choosing colors for the game pages).
tbh tho i think part o' teh reason is just because the ir crappy forum soft ware doesnt allow such thangs (polls etctc)
Post edited March 04, 2020 by Fairfox

Most consistently bitter person on forum 2020 ⭐
Registered: Apr 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted March 04, 2020
high rated

I suspect they're gathering ideas in order to revamp the site (like choosing colors for the game pages).
1 stop using zuckerburg’s data scraping tax dodger site for garnering opinions.
2 fix those things on the web site which have been broken since dinosaurs roamed here.
3 less focus on, oh look shiny new “achievement” in galaxy, and more on getting complete offline products.
Just a few off top of my head.

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted March 04, 2020

Conversely though, something must have gone wrong for me to stop coming here at all after 9 years.
I still check in almost daily. I rarely post anymore though, since I find the lack of any real change in the forums after 3 years, and the shift in the community have killed my desire to participate.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Spain
Posted March 04, 2020
i do hope GOG take note of the recent posts. The core of niche companies is the user base, even more so in this case. Communication and interaction is vital, it's not about simply marketing things at people but building a connection between the users and the product in a much more meaningful way. It's sad not much was done with the framework and ideas that were set out, but i suppose that's just how things roll.

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted March 04, 2020
high rated

I suspect they're gathering ideas in order to revamp the site (like choosing colors for the game pages).

1 stop using zuckerburg’s data scraping tax dodger site for garnering opinions.
2 fix those things on the web site which have been broken since dinosaurs roamed here.
3 less focus on, oh look shiny new “achievement” in galaxy, and more on getting complete offline products.
Just a few off top of my head.

I still want to believe in the good of the community and I still think that there are enough good in the community left for me to still participate here.
Believe me, we told them again and again and again 3 years ago and we hoped that they understood but it does not seem to be so. Given the fact that JudasIscariot the most active blue here in the forum back then is not posting anymore at all for me is a clear sign that GOG basically decided against communication as long as it is not necessary (or they think it is not necessary). Imo that was a very wrong decision from their side.
Post edited March 04, 2020 by MarkoH01

Most consistently bitter person on forum 2020 ⭐
Registered: Apr 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted March 04, 2020

1 stop using zuckerburg’s data scraping tax dodger site for garnering opinions.
2 fix those things on the web site which have been broken since dinosaurs roamed here.
3 less focus on, oh look shiny new “achievement” in galaxy, and more on getting complete offline products.
Just a few off top of my head.
