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real.geizterfahr: Honestly, this is... Heck, I don't even know what this is! 350 Euro for a graphics card that doesn't even manage 30fps on 1080p monitors in some games? I'd just spend 200 Euro more and get a console instead!
§pec†re: I saw it on sale in UK for about £240. It's ridiculous these are costing almost the same price as a GTX 1060 and that was over 5 years ago.
tbh, it is rated as effective 50% faster then a 1060 6 gb card

source :

my bad

shared the 5600XT instead of the 6500XT oops

So yea, you are better off with a 1060 6gb card.

Note : my earlier comment, twice as fast as the 1050Ti, was based on the Hardware Info indepth review gaming scores

which actually confirms....
Post edited January 23, 2022 by Zimerius
Well given the current market and such "nice" additions as this....
I still just really hope my 1080 TI makes it through another year and that i then somehow manage to snipe a 4xxx / 7xxx card close to release to not be bothered with this entire mess for a few years.

Still crazy though for anyone who just needs a GPU right now and especially for people who solely need a GPU and can't hope at least for a complete pc with an "okish" OEM Card at least (at least not without selling the rest of the complete pc then which might be a huge hassle time and capital wise as well).

And ya performance wise this is a card which should have custom editions for ~170-210€ but highly unlikely that we will see it in the wild for less than 300€ at all.

For Mid Price segment i really hope that Intel GPUs will help a bit to solve the situation (actual pricing and availability still a bit of a smoke screen as well though)
§pec†re: I saw it on sale in UK for about £240. It's ridiculous these are costing almost the same price as a GTX 1060 and that was over 5 years ago.
I got a 1060 on release. It was the EVGA 1060 SC. An overclocked, 6.8 inches short graphics card with a single fan and a pretty decent passive cooler (nothing better than a silent PC when you're just working). I paid 290 Euro for it. That's 70 Euro less for a GPU that's still slightly faster today.

The 6500XT is a crippled entry level GPU, missing essential features (codecs). A stupid card that should cost 120 Euro max! It is a minor upgrade that allows you to play games on your office PC when you need to take a break. And it is more expensive than a five years old mid-range GPU -.- I'm shocked and don't really know what to say.

I hope they won't sell a single piece of it. Load em on a truck, set course for the dessert, dig a hole and bury them next to those E.T. cartridges...
Post edited January 23, 2022 by real.geizterfahr
It is basically a GPU für mobile devices that use Ryzen APUs (or CPUs), that was used to build a card. The chip is ok for what it was made for in the first place. But not for a card.

If it wasn't the current situation I don't think it would have ever seen the light.

One Idea might have been to have at last a card on the marked for the people who now need one for whatever reason but who don't need a very good one right now.

The current prices kill this idea.
Post edited January 23, 2022 by randomuser.833
Still no low-end cards on the horizon. What we get instead is a crippled card that can't decode AV1 codecs (goodbye Netflix) and no encoding at all (goodbye streams).
Comparing to the Rx480 4GB (not the overclocked version they called Rx 580) launched almost 6 years ago is not more powerfull on games and is has very similar power consumption when 3d loaded? On a smaller node? WTF? At the same price (actually more expensive)?

There's plenty of "crippled" cards like this but they usually are made by HP/Dell/lenovos or are professional solutions, like Quadros. They are usually Low Profile and/or single slot and PCI-E powered under 75W requiring no power connector, with lower clock than similar "gaming" cards.
I would be fine with this card being sold on a HP pre built system, coupled with something like a 5600G CPU, they done similar stuff plenty of times. If you have such a system remember no not ever update the drivers and block Windows updates the best you can!
This card is exactly the opposite, a glorified and overclocked to the moon laptop card, wich make NO FOOCKING SENSE on the DIY market, even without taking price in account.

real.geizterfahr: The 6500 does exactly one thing: It shows what is wrong with the market! AMD's MSRP is 209 Euro. The top custom designs (with over the top triple-fan cooling solutions) go up to 300 Euro MSRP. When I search for the 6500 XT on my favorite store, I only find one model (the over the top triple-fan design) for 359 Euro. 359 Euro! For a butchered entry level GPU that is as fast (slow?) as AMD's four years old low/mid-range GPUs RX570 and 580! And the 570 and 580 basically were revised versions of the 470 and 480 GPUs from 2016!
Can't stress this enough!

Edit: Hey, nice... Since GOG pretty much can't moderate swear words (you know, FCK DRM) it blocks posting messages with them? How cute!
Post edited January 23, 2022 by Dark_art_
If anyone did want an entry level card which has low power draw and relevant codecs some enterprising Japanese AIB is now producing RX550 cards again. Having presumably found some GDDR5 RAM and chip wafers under the sofa.

All yours for the low low price of 155USD. 3D performance is of course rubbish for 2022, but if you absolutely need video out and more encode/ decode options...
low rated
Did anyone expect a budget GPU to do anything well?

You're likely going to want a xx60+ class card in a series with decent amounts of VRAM, to run modern stuff even at 1080p.

Heck, even in some Ubi games, my 8GB VRAM on my RTX 3070 ain't cutting it at 1080p for WD: Legion. I'd need 10GB, to run it properly maxed-out w/ RT On and DLSS On. RT's a VRAM eater.
It proves that just because a GPU is cheap and available doesn't always mean the GPU is good. Or good value.

I read the spec sheet for the GPU before release and I already knew the 64-bit memory bus and PCIE x4 lane would limit it's performance severely to the point older GPU's would benchmark faster than it. Couple that with a limited memory capacity of 4GB means it has to use system Ram if it needs to page more texture memory.

It's also limited to 1080p gaming at the maximum. AND missing the AMDVEC encoder/decoder so it's not even good for an encoder.

Sure my 2 RX 580's 8GB aren't NEW, but they're 256 Memory bus and PCIE x16 and in VR and games that use DX12 Multi-GPU they perform better than the RX 6500XT and I've had them since 2017.
And my setup does 2K gaming no problem.

Gamers Nexus did a teardown of the hardware and the card under the heatsink isn't even a full length PCB as the cooler would imply.
Post edited January 25, 2022 by lordfirefox
Crosmando: I want to personally strangle whoever invented crypto.
it is a ponzischeme I bet so many will share your view after it collapses
Reviews incoming for the 8gb RTX 3050 from Nvidia:
Gamers Nexus -
Paul's Hardware -
Hardware Unboxed -
Linus Tech Tips -
Hardware Canucks -
Jayz Two Cents -
Post edited January 26, 2022 by MysterD
MysterD: Reviews incoming for the 8gb RTX 3050 from Nvidia:
Seems to be a much better GPU but as always pricing will make or break it. If they can maintain it low and in stock vs the miners / scalpers, then it's a decent buy. If they can't, then the sorry state of buying a budget GPU in 2022 is down to a "bad card at a bad price (6500XT) competing with a good card at an even worse price (RTX 3050)"... Anyone else remember the good old days when GPU's were made by more than two manufacturers and actual competition beyond 'Least Tolerable Effort' was a thing?...
AB2012: Anyone else remember the good old days when GPU's were made by more than two manufacturers and actual competition beyond 'Least Tolerable Effort' was a thing?...
When was that... more than 25 years ago?... What I remember from those days, is that even then I found the prices for top of the line GPUs to be prohibitive. For me nothing's changed... the more things change the more they stay the same.
Post edited January 27, 2022 by MadalinStroe
It is mentioned before but... the mail from Xbox advertising the new Xbox S for 300 euros somehow tasted double sour today
MysterD: Did anyone expect a budget GPU to do anything well?

You're likely going to want a xx60+ class card in a series with decent amounts of VRAM, to run modern stuff even at 1080p.

Heck, even in some Ubi games, my 8GB VRAM on my RTX 3070 ain't cutting it at 1080p for WD: Legion. I'd need 10GB, to run it properly maxed-out w/ RT On and DLSS On. RT's a VRAM eater.
It is not a budget card when it costs 240.
5 years ago the 1050 ti was a good budget card which cost about 140.
MysterD: Did anyone expect a budget GPU to do anything well?

You're likely going to want a xx60+ class card in a series with decent amounts of VRAM, to run modern stuff even at 1080p.

Heck, even in some Ubi games, my 8GB VRAM on my RTX 3070 ain't cutting it at 1080p for WD: Legion. I'd need 10GB, to run it properly maxed-out w/ RT On and DLSS On. RT's a VRAM eater.
§pec†re: It is not a budget card when it costs 240.
5 years ago the 1050 ti was a good budget card which cost about 140.
While I agree partially w/ what you're saying in its pricing not being budget since the GPU market's so screwed right now, it really ain't a mid-range xx60 card or enthusiast xx70 card performance-wise in its current gen.

3050 still sits in the xx50 class & "budget" line of GPU's.

Heck, this card's basically somewhere b/t a 1660 and 2060, performance-wise - and this is YEARS later here w/ the 3050.