TentacleMayor: I don't know how Phantasmagoria is considered a ''horror classic''. It's poorly-paced and boring, has those 90s FMV game production values, and I think the only reasons why it was a big deal back then were the few gory scenes, plus the prestige of its creator. Get yourself Phantasmagoria 2 instead, it's not good per se as a horror game but it
is a delicious sandwich of cheese and ham, pretty much the Troll 2 of horror computer games. Better yet, watch Spoony's playthrough of it. Or if you want a legitimately good 90s FMV horror game, there's Gabriel Knight 2, or Harvester for more eclectic palates.
depends entirely on your mood (and honestly - age :) when you play the game
I really loved Phantasmagoria's slow creep crawling all over me the more I played... it's not in top 10 of my adventure games, but it's there in my top 10 of most atmospheric experiences
clearly subjective though!