Breja: -Heroes of Might & Magic (Come on, guys, how am I the first to bring it up?)
-Monkey Island
-Max Payne (though I have not played the 3rd one)
-Dark Forces/Jedi Knight
Not on the list
-KotOR (because as much as I still love it II was basically unfinished, and the MMO Old Republic left me with a bad last impression of the whole franchise)
-Warcraft (because fuck WoW and Hearthstone even more so)
-Disciples (the first two are easily a match for HoMM, but the third one ruined it all)
-Divinity (it's a rollecoaster of great, fun but flawed and borderline unplayable games)
-Fallout (just my personal bias, the games fro mthe series I played were good or even great, and yet I can't quite fall in love with it)
-Batman Arkham (becaue... actually, maybe I should put it there?)
-Witcher (have not played the third one yet, and the second was a huge disappointment)
I'm surprised you haven't played the third part yet. Give the game a try and I'm sure you will love it. It's much better than The Witcher 1 and 2. It also has an open world filled with so many side quests (not repeated quests like The Elder Scrolls series. Every side quests in The Witcher 3 is unique) unlike The Witcher 2 which was a linear game.