fronzelneekburm: Ohhhh snaaaaap!
Look, i get that you're trying really hard for the coveted participation award at the intelligentsia paralympics, but there really wasn't any need to stalk me across the forum and sully a perfectly good Kingpin thread by invoking the name of that other game in an attempt to remind me of your notoriously terrible taste.
There are other, better threads where you can wank off to overrated trash, but pleez leave my Kingpin threads alone, mmmkay.
Stalking? You are giving yourself to much credit. Nah, accidentally stumbled here to see is it really that Kingpin they are remaking, and seen your your comment, which reeked of solipsistic narcissism, so I decided to test it. You did not disappoint.
Here's the thing, I don't care what people like or consider good. It doesn't affect me, it's opinion of the mass, of others - beings which are completely irrelevant to me, and universe in general. However, it always cheers me up to see members of the mass actually trying to enforce their ideals of beauty and good on other members of the mass, like it is actually something worth fighting, over ideas - narcissism at it's finest. Ah, you commies never cease to amuse me!
Oh, and since opinion of the masses actually matters to you, Kingpin was considered mediocre at best in the time of it's release, and is now remembered only by 90's shooters aficionados, and even then, not very fondly by the most of them. Matters little to me in each case, because game's setting doesn't interest me, and shooting looks mediocre at best. I'd rather replay FEAR or UT 2K4 again. But if remake actually improves the game, because it did have some good ideas for its time, well, good for its fans, new and old alike.