Darvond: 1. The first RPG I got into was Secret of Mana. As such, most traditional JRPGs were ruined from the outset.
I would actually dispute this statement by saying that Secret of Mana is not an RPG, and therefore can't be the first RPG you got into. When the game originally came out, I never thought of it as an RPG, and I don't remember seeing it referred to as one. I remember Nintendo Power referring to that game as an "Epic Game", but I am pretty sure it did not actually use the term RPG to refer to it.
Anyway, a few more things about me, because I feel like it:
1. I do not drink alcoholic beverages at all.
2. I do not drink soda or other beverages with caffeine. (Of note, I *hate* the smell of coffee.) The one exception to this is that I'll occasionally drink chocolate milk, but I'm not sure if that counts.
3. Aside from Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt, the first NES game my family owned was Zelda 2, which, to this day, remains my favorite game in the series. (I actually wanted Zelda 1 back then, but I actually prefer 2; in fact, I can't really enjoy Zelda 1 these days unless I use the "cheat" of naming your character "ZELDA" (don't do this your first playthrough).)