Well some good news, running DosBox by itself one window as a debug window gives me the following:
CONFIG:Loading primary settings from config file C:\Users\pcuser\AppData\Local\DOSBox\dosbox-0.74.conf
MIDI:Opened device:win32
One joystick reported, initializing with 4axis
Using joystick USB Joystick with 4 axes, 12 buttons and 1 hat(s)
Considering it's a PS2 controller, that checks out.
While i'm not having good success with MK2 (
not editing the right conf file?), DosBox does seem to detect controllers. But i'd definitely suggest a key mapper first, as those can be more universal rather than finicky.
edit: And turning off console and getting feedback from DosBox i get this for MK2:
CONFIG:Loading primary settings from config file ..\dosboxMortalKombat2.conf
CONFIG:Loading additional settings from config file ..\dosboxMortalKombat2_single.conf
MIDI:Opened device:win32
One joystick reported, initializing with 4axis
Using joystick USB Joystick with 4 axes, 12 buttons and 1 hat(s)
DOSBox switched to max cycles, because of the setting: cycles=auto. If the game
runs too fast try a fixed cycles amount in DOSBox's options.
So... DosBox IS recognizing my PS2 controller, it will just be a matter of fiddling with it. Then again that assumes that MK2 even supports the joystick/gamepad support at all and isn't keyboard only... which actually i haven't checked...
edit: Heh, had to find an obscure readme file for MK2. F10 gives me the options, and set it joystick and it works...
So yeah....