ssling: Looking at Timespinner GOG suggested as similar also CrossCode which looks like might fit.
CrossCode might fit, but it's actually not that similar to Timespinner. Timespinner is a metroidvania that plays very much like an Igavania (that is, a like the Castlevania games that Igarashi made, including Symphony of the Night and all the GBA/DS titles except Circle of the Moon), except for the different setting and use of time travel. Bloodstained is a metroidvania that is actually developed by Igarashi.
CrossCode uses an overhead view, and I think it might use one of the control sticks for aiming.
ssling: The Ys games seem interesting, some are also 3D or 2.5D but requirements are so low it shouldn't be problem. Only which of the older ones are the best because it's quite a lot of them? 1&2, Origins, Oath in Felghana, VI?
1 & 2 are the earliest games, and are meant to be played in that order, with 2 picking up right where 1 left off. These games are characterized by a bump combat system, with 2 adding in a fireball spell that you can use to attack as well. Note that these are early games, and as such some of the game design can be a bit rough, particular that one boss in 1 that has a tendency to drive players batty with how terrible that boss is designed. Also note that 1 expects you to max out your level around the middle of the game. Note that, unlike Ys 1, Ys 2 doesn't really have much of an overworld.
VI, Oath in Felghana, and Origins (in order of release) all use the same engine, and as such have 3D platforming. Oath did make some changes to the formula (adding immediate pick-ups, removing carryable healing items, changing magic from the rarely usable powerful attack it was in VI to weaker spells that you can use constantly and which are sometimes used for movement. Origin takes place entirely within the final dungeon of Ys 1 and has a lot of references (including musical references) to the first two games. Origin, I believe, is intended to be played after 1 and 2, while the order doesn't matter from a plot perspective for the others. (Note that Origin is the only game in the series to not have Adol as the protagonist; instead, there's a choice of characters, and there are significant plot and gameplay differences between them.)
Aside from the connections between 1, 2, and Origins, the Ys game stories are all independent of each other.