Timboli: Blue Maxima have some software (
Flashpoint) for playing Flash Games offline, and their Ultimate download, which is a whopping 242 Gb contains all their listed free games, so far.
Many will be of interest to some here.
Amanita Design has 7 games listed, of which two are demos of full games here (
Machinarium and
Botanicula), plus they have the
Samorost 2 (free version). They also have the complete first
Samorost game for free, and 3 other games alternatively available from the Dev's website for free.
They are just a few of the many many many free flash games available.
I've only downloaded so far, the smaller Infinity download of around 280 Mb. Apparently that has a good number of the games, but also more importantly, a menu to get all the rest individually.
The Full List ....(takes a good while to load)
Bit of a blurb by them.
Internet history is important, and content made on platforms such as Adobe Flash make up a significant portion of that culture doomed to obscurity. This project is dedicated to preserving as many games and animations from these platforms as possible, so that they aren't lost to time. Since early 2018, over a hundred contributors have helped Flashpoint save more than 38,000 games and 2,400 animations running on 13 different platforms.
Flashpoint utilizes a strong selection of open-source software. Our custom-built launcher handles the constantly-growing collection efficiently and works in conjunction with the Redirector, which does a massive amount of service by making web content pretend it's on the internet.
Timboli: I just looked into this and they the game I want but 241gb...I just might do it but I'm gonna need another backup drive after this.
Wait, I'm gonna try the infinity download first for sure but I've already bookmarked this website. What a find, indeed. Thank you for this amazing post.