Posted May 20, 2019

I don't have a specific article to ref to, nor is it exactly new... but in short:
The politicians in Norway, against every expert / specialists warning and other major tech national groups, decided to close down the FM net, and force everyone over to DAB (a technology that is vastly inferior to both FM and internet radio).
That's what we get from not having 100% transparency on every lobby-meetings... and the other countries are not wrong when they are shaking their heads to this decision.
Not to mention that DAB is from the 80's, streams at a lower quality bit-rate, needs a broader bandwidth, hasn't the same coverage as FM, and is already out-shined by wireless internet radio (be it 3G, 4G, 5G et al). As a topping on the cake; the price on DAB client is excruciating high... 150-350 USD is not unusual for a car setup. Even higher if it's a new car with a built-in radio system and you want to replace it all instead of having a simple DAB-to-FM receiver/sender.
And subsequently, millions of perfectly working radios are needlessly thrown into an already high garbage mountain.