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Tarm: I got that with his Inglorious Basterds. That film bored me to tears. Not even alcohol made it fun. All it was was endless amounts of bla bla bla blaaa and very short moments far between where something actually happened and then back to bla bla bla milk bla bla...
After that one I decided he's lost his touch and won't watch a film from him again if it doesn't say everywhere that it's filled with action. He thinks he's the wittiest man on earth or something. Bah!
Matruchus: Yep, exactly the same in Hateful Eight. Maybe five minutes of shooting all together with the movie ending in total bloodbath. And 2 and half hours of blablabla, waiting for something to happen, a lot of swearing, a lot of racist remarks and tones of cliches. I really don't know what happened with this movie but the guys who rated it with 8.1 at imdb must be on drugs or something.
It's the same old with those high ratings. People think they're smart if they get all his references and understand the meaning behind it all so they rate it high. Or his audience is mainly hipsters now...

I particularly remember one exceptionally drawn out scene in Inglorious Basterds *SPOILER*
A group sit at a bar and talk for what feels like hours where the only suspense is a badly done version of a undercover police being at risk of getting his cover blown. After a while you'll start to doze of and will most probably miss the three seconds of action that concludes the teeth pulling experience.

I bought The Expendables 2, Inglorious Basterds and beer and pizza for a lazy friday. The first was a circle jerk that constantly broke the fourth wall and the second one of the most boring films I've ever watched. Dang that was a wasted potential.

Edit: Changed to The Expendables 2. The first is a great film.
Post edited January 13, 2016 by Tarm
Caught up with late 2015,


Jake Gyllenhaal, probably one of my favorite actors around at the moment, great effort to recover after Prince of Persia with flat out 10 out of 10 performances in Prisoners, Nightcrawler and now Southpaw.

The movie is sometimes badass, sometimes a bit butter fingered. A few interesting things like some behind the scenes boxing, working on your weaknesses and some great boxing fights.

Enjoying the kickass soundtrack, depending on how much you can tolerate the drama and heavy handed script, you should probably be watching this right now.
I haven't watched any released this year, but these 3 I've watched so far:

Unfortunately I made the mistake thinking The Martian would be a decent drama.

Sicario was decent, I knew what the plot was getting at it from the beginning so no surprises but the execution was quite good.

Then there's En underbar jävla jul which is a Swedish movie and it was freaking awesome. A well done drama with great humour. Reminded me of a similar Swedish movie called Tomten är far till alla barnen.

Any interesting drama coming up? Preferably something bizarre.
Another late 2015,


Slipped right under my radar maybe because of the documentary Everest.

Was excellent, had a lot of familiar faces. Had a realistic true story / adventure / disaster film thing going on, a lot of sweeping shots and music to get you in the mood and eating lots of popcorn. I love climbing films like Vertical Limit and Cliffhanger and this certainly stands up with those.

Another great somewhat recent film.
2016 movies? Well, that`s a lot movies, indeed!!!
Maxvorstadt: 2016 movies? Well, that`s a lot movies, indeed!!!
2016 movies divided by 48 = 42.

Coincidence? I think not.
Maxvorstadt: 2016 movies? Well, that`s a lot movies, indeed!!!
bad_fur_day1: 2016 movies divided by 48 = 42.

Coincidence? I think not.
Oh man, that`s right. Does this mean that the aliens will come back to claim earth as their rightfull property? Will cats conquer the earth? Does everybody has his towel?
Supposed to be 2016 movies but still catching up,


Was an amazing thriller. Tried hard for the grandness of Zero Dark Thirty, didn't quite make it, but was really damn close. 9/10


Was also really great, I thought it might have been a bit of art house bore, but it was rarely not entertaining and fun. 9/10


Was not good, not good at all. I stopped paying attention halfway through the movie. Would be getting close to a 5/10 or lower.
Post edited January 29, 2016 by bad_fur_day1
Saw Star Wars twice (planning third time before it leaves theatres here). Yes plot borrowed bits and pieces from Ep 4 but i dont care. We finally find out what happened after VI.Nice fx. Good acting.

waiting for cheapass tuesday to see Revenant. Looking forward to Deadpool later in feb...
Niggles: waiting for cheapass tuesday to see Revenant.
That's probably a good choice. I didn't think it was worth even the discount matinee price I paid. It's basically porn for people who think Bear Grylls was the best thing to ever hit television. It was very pretty, and it made a very obvious choice regarding dialog (which I won't spoil) and stuck with it, which really helped with the feel of the film. But I didn't think it was terribly good, though the *role* that DiCaprio played was very good, and both leads acted admirably.

I really wanted the upcoming Star Trek to be good, but the trailer with the Beastie Boys soundtrack told me that I'm too old for this new Star Trek. ;_;
Hateful Eight

I'm going to disagree with everyone and say I liked it a lot. Fun kind of murder mystery if you like talky movies. Probably more worthwhile film than Inglorious Basterds and Djanjo Unchained I thought. Slow start but once it got going I was interested to see how all the characters collided. Nice little bits of writing like taunting people and much sneaky-ness and bending of the truth. 8/10
Some more I had yet to see;

Zulu Was all right, cool tough guy performance by Orlando Bloom. 7/10

Kill the Messenger Jeremy Renner, True Story / Drama / Thriller. Nothing mind blowing. 7/10

The Martian Was good, I don't see why it would classed as above just a solid movie. 8/10
No one has seen any new movies, don't have anything to say about any of these, no reviews, no weird art house films, nothin? Sure whatever.

Straight Outta Compton Could be an above average film, was interesting to see how hip hop and all those guys happened, for someone who didn't know that much about it to begin with.

Creed Pulling the same punch combo for a second time like Rocky Balboa is dodge-able and doesn't have the same impact of the first time. The main guy was a charisma vacuum.

San Andreas The Rock. Yiikes, was well done and expensive but also totally un involving, the three young actors were aweful. I usually like terrible disaster films but this is just terrible. Plus they stole GTA's name which is uncool.
bad_fur_day1: Some more I had yet to see;

Zulu Was all right, cool tough guy performance by Orlando Bloom. 7/10

Kill the Messenger Jeremy Renner, True Story / Drama / Thriller. Nothing mind blowing. 7/10

The Martian Was good, I don't see why it would classed as above just a solid movie. 8/10
They have re-made Zulu??!!!

Why, or please, why?

Sorry Bad Fur Day, thought they attempted to remake the British Classic. My mistake...
Post edited February 07, 2016 by CARICATUREKILB
bad_fur_day1: Some more I had yet to see;

Zulu Was all right, cool tough guy performance by Orlando Bloom. 7/10

Kill the Messenger Jeremy Renner, True Story / Drama / Thriller. Nothing mind blowing. 7/10

The Martian Was good, I don't see why it would classed as above just a solid movie. 8/10
CARICATUREKILB: They have re-made Zulu??!!!

Why, or please, why?

Sorry Bad Fur Day, thought they attempted to remake the British Classic. My mistake...
I find it hard to believe they can come close to the original's greatness in a remake. A true masterpiece.
Post edited February 07, 2016 by Tarm