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And it wouldn't be the same without you all.

Almost 7 Years
Just about 30,000 Wishes Added
Around 3,980,000 Votes Cast
And over 1,000,000 Votes Fulfilled

The Community Wishlist is one of the things that makes tick, because no matter what, we're always working hard to listen and deliver. Whether it's games, website features, or GOG Galaxy development - the Community Wishlist is always the first place we look, and it's proven time and time again to be our favorite bargaining chip on the quest for new games and a better With just a tad over one million wishlist votes fulfilled, we want to take this opportunity to look at just a few of the wishes we got to take on.

Out of all the games in the world, several stand out as most highly requested. <span class="bold">System Shock 2</span> at 36,000 votes was one of our first major conquests - this is the game that really paved way for the most fantastic retro releases and, back when we needed it most, showed how much demand and excitement there can still be for the classics. Who knows, perhaps there is more legendary horror lurking right around the corner, hackers.
<span class="bold">The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind</span> at 25,000 votes just joined our gang alongside the earlier Elder Scrolls titles and more Bethesda goodness - but that's not all the wishlisted games, not by a long shot. With your help we checked off the <span class="bold">X-Wing</span> and <span class="bold">TIE Fighter</span> series, <span class="bold">DOOM</span> & <span class="bold">Quake</span>, <span class="bold">Sam &amp; Max Hit The Road</span> and way, way more.

Bit by bit, we're improving - adding new features, and changing things up. Across the years we've added and [url=]Linux support (and then changed the Linux icon) to your games, introduced little things like update notifications, [url=] change-logs, and the ability to mark your games as completed (and many other tags). The community wishlist was also one of the many reasons we began working on GOG Galaxy.

There's still a lot of work ahead of us, and there are a ton of things in progress: we're still hunting for more, and more, and more classics, we're working on making GOG Galaxy the best gaming client you've ever used, and we're still actively seeking a specialist who can hook us up with some more time (a few hours per day would be nice) to do all that. All of this, while we continue to be a DRM-free store today, tomorrow, and forever!

The community wishlist is a great way for you to keep us aware of your needs, and it's an equally powerful tool for us to react, and to prioritise the future. So if there's a game you've always wanted, a great idea for the site, or something that's been bugging you for ages - don't hesitate, make a wish or cast your vote. It might just become our next big project.
Congratulations, GOG!
Well played! :)
I like how the third line contradicts the topic title.
How many Gog accounts exist?
high rated
Congratulations, time to grant the wish "Open source the Galaxy client"? (Go vote now!
high rated
Unfortunately you also changed things nobody ever wanted which worked quite well before. So much for the community wishlist. Maybe we should add a "please never change" wishlist, too?
Post edited September 18, 2015 by MarkoH01
Wow! Thank you and congratulations! :D
low rated
MarkoH01: Unfortunately you also changed things nobody ever wanted which worked quite well before. So much for the community wishlist. Maybe we should add a "please never change" wishlist, too?
Indeed, they sold out on basically all their principles in the process. I'm not sure people really wanted that.
high rated
Nicely done, no doubt. Unfortunately, people don't use a simple search before requesting the same thing others requested ten times. An automatic duplicate title search would be helpful to block the repeats.
You rock GOG! Keep up the DRM-free fight!
Aren't you looking for a specialist to develop Nothing? If you are, you can hire me! :P
While GOG's service may have changed much these past few years (with the addition of the Galaxy client and whatnot) I'm happy that the team still works so closely with the community in fulfilling wishes.

Thanks for all the hard work!
Congratulations GOG!

I'm still awaiting for good ol' game Blood & Magic - "enemy basal golem has been killed"
high rated
avatar <span class="bold">System Shock 2</span> at 36,000 votes was one of our first major conquests - this is the game that really paved way for the most fantastic retro releases and, back when we needed it most, showed how much demand and excitement there can still be for the classics. Who knows, perhaps there is more legendary horror lurking right around the corner, hackers.
System Shock 1 confirmed!