Lafazar: Here are my savegames compressed as zipfiles and renamed to .jpg so I could upload them to GOG. They should be from all over the game, though I had to delete my oldest saves from the beginning of the game at the end.
Perhaps they are of use to someone...
emp91: Hmm neither the save nor the cat file links work. Can u reupload pls ? :(
The files download just fine, but you have to rename them so they work.
For example, to get the first file, do this:
-rightclick the "gksaves1zip.jpg (357 Kb)" link
-choose "Save link as..."
-now your browser will probably want to save the file as "0d30a8bced7733e9a92e29fd220997b7574c785d.jpg"
-replace this with ""
-change "Save as type JPEG image" to "Save as type All Files"
Now you should have the file in a usable format. You can also rename them after download, but then you need to have disabled the "Hide extensions for known file types" option in your "Folder and Search options".
In summary, rename the files as follows: -> -> -> -> GKSG.CAT