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Hello. Steam players got 1.0.1 update at 18 may, but we still have to play on 1.0 version. Why?
For more info look at steam forum (i cant post any links)
Post edited May 22, 2018 by Mammoth
Mammoth: Hello. Steam players got 1.0.1 update at 18 may, but we still have to play on 1.0 version. Why?
For more info look at steam forum (i cant post any links)
1. Updates need to be delivered by the authors.
2. GOG tests them, Steam does not.

It takes time.
Post edited May 23, 2018 by Lexor
Mammoth: Hello. Steam players got 1.0.1 update at 18 may, but we still have to play on 1.0 version. Why?
For more info look at steam forum (i cant post any links)
Lexor: 1. Updates need to be delivered by the authors.
2. GOG tests them, Steam does not.

It takes time.
That could have been communicated by the authors here, on the forums. I've asked them repeatedly to do that.
Alcator.504: That could have been communicated by the authors here, on the forums. I've asked them repeatedly to do that.
Yes, but it's not GOG's fault. Authors said that they "had technical difficulties but they did not forget about GOG". source
Lexor: 1. Updates need to be delivered by the authors.
2. GOG tests them, Steam does not.

It takes time.
I'm a bit lost here. As you know more, could you share what are they testing? Are they testing if the game works or if changes that come with patch work? Often times, QA teams are the size of development teams, so how many people does GOG have to test all those patches that get constantly released?

On GOG you can choose which version to run - just don't allow auto-updates or reinstall from installers delivered by GOG. You always have a choice.

Also, authors tweeted that they had "technical difficulties", not that "it takes time to deliver updates".
Transparency is the base of every agile development. While we are not being lied to, we are for sure not told the truth.
Post edited May 23, 2018 by KobraPL
well looks like we got an update - my version now says 1.0.1
Yep! Some achievements started working! Reloading the save from the end of Arks on hard, finally got me the Iron Man! :)
Post edited May 24, 2018 by KobraPL
KobraPL: Yep! Some achievements started working! Reloading the save from the end of Arks on hard, finally got me the Iron Man! :)
Kobra, zrobiłeś może odznaczenia "Negocjator" i "Metoda Naukowa tom 2"? Zostały mi te dwa, ale nie ogarniam za co są :E
KobraPL: Yep! Some achievements started working! Reloading the save from the end of Arks on hard, finally got me the Iron Man! :)
Mammoth: Kobra, zrobiłeś może odznaczenia "Negocjator" i "Metoda Naukowa tom 2"? Zostały mi te dwa, ale nie ogarniam za co są :E
Yep :) Ponizszego tipa uzylem do negocjatora. Utrzymuj niezadowolenie w okolicach polowy, wtedy triggerowane sa eventy. U mnie kradzieży było kilka (+1 po śmierci strażnika). Acziw nagradzany jest jak tylko koleś zwróci skradzione zasoby. Więzienie podobno nie jest potrzebne - można ich po prostu wypuścić wolno.

Negotiator - Deal with the Londoners' thievery peacefully -> (Order) First time when the stealing starts, send some guards to catch them. Once apprehended lock em up in prison. Second time send some guards to catch them -> Guard will die -> You will have to set the Londoner who is not the murderer (explicitly stated in the text) free -> Later an event triggers where this guy returns with some friends and stolen supplies apologising for their doing -> Achievement done For the faith tree probaly the same, sending faithkeepers after them or something
Metoda Naukowa, tego jeszcze nie mam (skupiałem się na grupowaniu acziwów pod 1 playthru i jakos nigdzie nie pasowalo), ale dziala podobnie jak event z Automatonem. Po prostu trzeba wczesniej to wybrac (chyba wystarczy tylko ten 1 nod drzewka), zeby dac czas na ztriggerowanie eventu (losówka). Musisz również posiadać sporą liczbę amputees (komuś triggernęło na 10).

if you picked radical treatment at some point during the playthrough a doctor (engineer) will ask you if he could have some time to do some experiments on his own accord, accept and he will take a day or so to do his thing, if it all works out he will return saying he improved the medical technique and will thus reduce the need to resort to amputations.
BTW: zastanawiałem się nad zrobieniem listy acziwów wraz z opisem jak je zdobyć - jabyco będę Cię wołał do pomocy :)
Post edited May 30, 2018 by KobraPL
Raczej nie będę pomocny - w końcu do tej pory wszystkie echievmenty wpadły po prostu grając (mówię o ukrytych) Zostały te dwa i szukając w internecie natknąłem się na ich nazwy i tu pytam jak je zdobyć :E
Dodatkowo zapytam, czy Negocjatora odpalić można tylko w pierwszym scenariuszu, a jak tak, to czy w momencie, gdy aktywni są Londyńczycy?
Mammoth: Dodatkowo zapytam, czy Negocjatora odpalić można tylko w pierwszym scenariuszu, a jak tak, to czy w momencie, gdy aktywni są Londyńczycy?
Tak, acziw dotyczy pierwszego scenariusza i Londyńczyków. Pewnie mało istotne, bo robisz aczi-run, ale po spełnieniu wymogów, liczba Londyńczyków zmaleje o ~50/100 zależnie od poziomu trudności.