masterclif: I looked, but the links for it were all broken.
For Freespace Open? or for setspeed.exe? Some GOG games come with setspeed.exe (but you can't set the path of which .exe it is set to operate on unfortunately), but yeah I think setspeed seems to have disappeared from the web unfortunately.
Have you tried the fixes here? Plus, it would kinda suck to pay for a game, only to have to get a free version of it. Besides, if I have this problem with Freespace, wouldn't I have the same problem with Freespace 2? They are essentially using the same engine.
Well the free version is only for the new modern game engine - you still have to pay for the Freespace 2 game from GOG to get the Freespace 2 game assets. It is true to play Freespace 1 using FSport (the port of FS1 for the FSo engine) is technically "free" once you own Freespace 2, but really in order to use the FS1 assets, it is better, morally, to own the FS1 assets as well. Actually for me I even had to since my Mac played the GOG-version of the FS1 cinematics better than the FSO encoding of the cinematics (the Freespace Source Code project made native ports of the game for Mac/Linux).
If you haven't bought Freespace 2, I would do so. Then download the FSO engine from here: It's pretty straightforward, but here is a getting started page to familiarize yourself with the FSO installation process: The Freespace Open Engine is really a vast improvement over the vanilla game for both FS1 and FS2 - beautiful HD graphics, compatibility fixes, etc ... I would highly recommend getting it.