Bad-assDude: After many failures, freak-outs and much angry shouting I have finally completed the "Good luck" (what a great name for the mission, for all the wrong reasons). It didn't bring me happiness or satisfaction, but it did give me some relative peace.
Strijkbout: Congratulations, but yes the game ends with a bit of an anti-climax.
Thank you, kind sir. I also didn't actually kill the Lucifer, it was my allied ships that destroyed the damned fifth inexplicably fortified against Harbringer bombs reactor after I died. However the Lucifer died before the game over screen came up and the game proceeded to the final cutscene. So that means I died a hero's death.
Overall Freespace 1 is definetly great and I'll continue on the expansion and the sequel. My only gripe with the game is that sometimes I feel like I get shot and killed from nowhere. I'd like a button for targeting the last ship that shot me as an option if that isn't already.