PetrusOctavianus: You seem to have missed many of the finer points of the Gold Box games, but of course that's a hazard when you max out stats and focus on only a few of the classes.
...If you don't max out stats, then yes, multiclass character will have an advantage by being qualified for all their classes,
thus having better stats. I may be a crappy designer myself, but I hang out on a forum with the best modern designers, and I know math. When I look at a sudoku puzzle, I don't go "uhh, i think 5 goes here", I think "if I run this set of procedures against each line and box in a loop, it'll be solved; since a computer can do it, manual search is a waste of my time and I'm not going to bother".
The way stats are exposed in the game means I'll never accept it as a fair challenge that is worth my time, because, when I start approaching the game as a
challenge in which I need to think and to plan ahead to
win, the utility function always points to "reroll". Part of the solution to "play a game the best you can, without Modify" is "reroll until you get the most points in every relevant stat, it's an investment that'll keep delivering huge payoffs for the rest of the game". That's the
correct solution, but it's also
unfun. "Your party is as powerful as your patience" is a shitty rule, and I'm not going to play with it.
PetrusOctavianus: But you can also have Elf Ranger/Clerics and Elf Fighter/Mages which are just as strong in a series that does not penalize demihumans so much.
My first party ever had both, I even remember their names. They did well in Champions, but by Dargaard, they weren't pulling their weight at all. Knights on the other hand kept on rocking and had AC down to -31 when suited up in sword and board mode in DQK (worse with the Dragonlance).
PetrusOctavianus: Taunt is like a free Prayer spell, and a Kender Cleric/Thief is actually the best character against the Skeletal Knights in Death Knight of Krynn, if using a magic Hoopak for backstabbing.
Skeletal Knights are wimps. The real problem are heavy hitters which can't be easily neutralized with timely fireballing: death knights, iron golems, asparagus and the dickwolf.
PetrusOctavianus: I didn't get your last comment about Zoidberg and trollface. Explanation?
Just memespeak.
PetrusOctavianus: I didn't have a suitable save game when the question arose, so I used another player's characters.
Oh, sorry, I take the trollface back then. I don't doubt you won with lower stats, I just thought that particular party was yours.