There is interest in hex-editing, at some point I will have to draw up a UGE (Universal Games Editor) mdl file.
A mdl file is a template that tells you what is where in a save file.
For an article on using UGE, see: For each save game there are two files: Items_##.bin and Save_##.bin. The PC record is found in the Items_##.bin file, starting at offset 1490. (It might actually start at offset 1485...)
Some of the relevant offsets are shown below:
1118: x coordinate
1119: y coordinate
1490: PC Name [20]
1512: Portrait
1516 - 1518: class levels
1524: age
1528: current hp
1530: maximum hp
1534: food counter (%)
1536 - 1547: should be the three XP figures.
1548 - 1554: basic statistics