Romulus: Its a shame you have to drive carefully, it seems to punish you for crashing really, when it seems a major point of the game.
This, plus the fact that you're better off restarting a race than using reset were my main complaints with the game.
If you like the idea, but not the execution, I recommend FlatOut 2:
- Ragdolling is much harder to do. Perhaps too much so.
- Resetting is a rolling start, and you're given a few seconds of intangibility.
- Cars can be test-driven, so you can see how fast they are and how they handle on various surfaces
- Nitro is awarded for air-time, and every track has some kind of ramp / drop, so if you need a boost, you don't have to worry about finding something or someone to smash.
- You're awarded both nitro and cash for hitting opponents. The harder, the better. There are also cash awards to the drivers that cause the most damage overall, both to scenery and other cars.