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is anyone else experiencing all the grass in far cry 2 rotating when looking left or right?
im using win 7 64 with 16gb ram, 1080ti and i7 4790k
While unfortunate, this isn't a bug, and it's not something that can be fixed via mod.

The grass just rotates like that.
Post edited March 31, 2021 by BigTinz
seriously? i don't remember it being like that before though it has been a while since i originally played it i guess. thats too bad as it really ruins the immersion but i appreciate the reply.
masterian: seriously? i don't remember it being like that before though it has been a while since i originally played it i guess. thats too bad as it really ruins the immersion but i appreciate the reply.
It didn't always rotate like that. It was introduced after one of the patches, or after some driver updates years ago.

For a while there, I was able to make it stop rotating by restarting the game but these days it rotates no matter what I do.
(this is why I lean toward "driver issue".)

Some people incorrectly think the grass is sprite based because of this. It's too bad Ubisoft can't be arsed to fix their games.
Post edited August 21, 2021 by Plumb
I have the same issue but only since I reinstalled W10 last month. no issue before that and nobody talk about it online I don't know how to solve the issue unfortunatelly. But I'm sure the grass is not supposed to do that, it's not just rotating, it's like it's spinning. It's just weird
Weird, I played through the game multiple times and never noticed this issue.
It seems to be a real mystery with discussions on Steam and Reddit, but nobody has a good explanation and there's no footage of it whatsoever.

So I've installed it again to check and, indeed, the grass rotates! This is how it looks:

I can't tell if there ever was a time with non-rotating grass. It's really only visible when looking down, so maybe it wasn't obvious enough for me to notice.
Post edited August 25, 2021 by russellskanne
Folks are just mis-remembering, or trolling.

There is ZERO documented proof of the grass not rotating, and 10+ years of video showing the grass rotating.

I was even fooled for a bit, but I've come to accept that the grass was always supposed to rotate, and does.
BigTinz: Folks are just mis-remembering, or trolling.

There is ZERO documented proof of the grass not rotating, and 10+ years of video showing the grass rotating.

I was even fooled for a bit, but I've come to accept that the grass was always supposed to rotate, and does.
Please look at this video (I timed it)

The guy look around , and if you look at the grass it may rotate on self but at a distance it's not visible.

Now, if I do that in my game the whole thing start spinning in a very unnatural way. I know game of that era use that technique, but not all the grass spin, usually some grass around you.

The fact is, in this video it's how it's supposed to be, and my game is not reacting like that. You could see all the grass going all over the place with that kind of view.

And please dont say people are trolling because they have an issue you don't know of

edit :I think I found the issue and why it causes some confusions.

The grass is indeed suposed to rotate in the original game but at the certain point, the game will load LOD grass that are not supposed to rotate (or at a very slow pace). I don't know how but my far cry 2 installs were broken surely because even when uninstalling the game some files would remains.

What happen to me I think is that for some reason the grass far away was rotating as fast as the grass at my feet where the LOD should have a much slower rotating speed (that's why it was shocking).

I managed to fixed it by making sure I uninstal the game, delete every far cry 2 files on my computer, re install my nvidia driver with physx and audio driver + geforce experience. Then the only mod that I used is the farcry2 launcher multi fix.
Post edited January 18, 2022 by Scouali
Okay guys I leave this here if someone is still confused on the matter.

It happened to me while playing the other day so I recorded it. Not sure how it happened but I think it's a bug. It's possible some people were playing with this bug thinking it was how the game was supposed to be.

It's clear now that the grass is supposed to rotate since on a certain angle the grass is dissapearing.

Peope are not crazy, it's just a really weird bug.
I'm one of those that thought I also saw non-rotating grass, but I couldn't reproduce the "bug" for years, and most folks claim it couldn't happen. I figured I was mistaken.

So, now we just need to figure out how intentionally force this.
Post edited January 26, 2022 by BigTinz
Scouali: Okay guys I leave this here if someone is still confused on the matter.

It happened to me while playing the other day so I recorded it. Not sure how it happened but I think it's a bug. It's possible some people were playing with this bug thinking it was how the game was supposed to be.

It's clear now that the grass is supposed to rotate since on a certain angle the grass is dissapearing.

Peope are not crazy, it's just a really weird bug.
Thanks for posting that vid. Man, that scenery looks SO much better & more realistic with the grass not twirling around like a dreidel. I can't believe someone hasn't made a mod to correct this issue yet. It doesn't seem like it would be that difficult to fix.

I always thought the rotating grass looked weird but I never paid much attention to this matter until now. Now I realize that this is objectively a flaw with the game and I want it fixed. BADLY. And keep in mind I'm not even a graphics whore or anything, but that rotating grass looks so stupid now.
I have something I'd like to add to this thread.

I've noticed that other open world or open ended games also feature rotating grass. For example, a few months ago I was playing through one of the outdoor levels of Chrome (Techland, 2003), and I noticed that the grass rotated just like in FC2. So this leads me to believe that rotating grass is an intentional developer choice and NOT a glitch.

For the record, Chrome also features polygonal grass just like Far Cry 2, NOT sprite based. So even the early open world FPS developers like Techland seemingly preferred this method for fauna, which leads me to believe this is an outdated design technique; I don't think developers make their grass non-stationary anymore.

So no, it's not a glitch. But out of curiosity I should check my other 7th gen first person games like TES Oblivion too.
Post edited October 24, 2023 by SkinnyBiscuit76
In Chrome, the grass is a bunch of flat sprites, each turning on its axis to be facing the player. Common technique in games at the time, used in order to save resources.

In FarCry 2, the grass bits aren't flat, and they rotate in small patches/groups, with each individual plant literally moving on the ground around the center of the patch it's in.
Bell-206L: In Chrome, the grass is a bunch of flat sprites, each turning on its axis to be facing the player. Common technique in games at the time, used in order to save resources.

In FarCry 2, the grass bits aren't flat, and they rotate in small patches/groups, with each individual plant literally moving on the ground around the center of the patch it's in.
Well, my point is that rotating grass is old issue in game design, and NOT a bug. I couldn't sworn that Chrome used 3D polygonal grass like FC2 and Oblivion, but maybe I'm not remembering it properly, which would be odd since I just recently played it.
It's 100% intentional. Confirmed by devs.