Raver7293: I am quite keen on buying this game, but I read in a few reviews that it is insanely hard! Can anyone confirm this, and does anyone know if there are ways of making it easier
Yes, the game is much too hard to be any fun, even on "Easy" setting. Within a scenario, you have many battles. Within every single one of them, you will be wildly outnumbered, usually at least 3 to 1.
The enemy will have at least as good "special" units as you do, and often better.
Add to this insane pressure a "time limit".....you can't know where the enemy is du to fog of war, but you MUST rush toward to goal of the mission, you cannot plan or be careful, so every mission is a suicide mission......ULTRA STUPID DESIGN.....because the game carries over your surviving veterans, and there won't BE any veterans, because you're going to get wiped out because there is NO WAY TO ShUT OFF THE TIME LIMIT!
Each scenario must be completed PERFECTLY. You cannot make one single error. You cannot lose one single unit. You cannot fail to collect any of the gold. You must meet the GOLD level turn limit. Everything must be flawless, right from the very first mission. Why:? Because it starts hard and goes immediately over to insane.....you need every tiny crumb of money and manpower just to BARELY survive. You MUST survive and "level up" your units......no one can get killed, ever, so you play conservative? nope, can't do that because of teh FKING time limit! This game sucks donkey balls SO hard.
This game needs a level one step BELOW what it calls "Easy".
Yet another JUNK game...."frustrating" does not equal fun. Reloading a scenario literally forty-five times in a row until you finally defeat it does not equal fun.
SUX donkey balls.
keithdt: At first I found the game very hard, but it gets easier the more you play it. Sometimes if you make big strategic mistakes, you need to restart the mission. In those cases, I found my 2nd strategy worked much better than my first.
The biggest problem to me is that the documentation is very weak. There is some help on the 1c forum for the game, but it is very limited. I couldn't locate any other useful help on the web at all.
Yes, can't find any guide anywhere to explain how you use a unit's Special Abilities.