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Thats the thing though first person shooters may have mediocre stories at best, but overall they are all reflexes. If you want to play a game where there is no story and its an rpg i can understand that and you will prally want to play d2. D2 has almost no story but it doesnt need it as the gameplay and replayability are immense.

The reason why i get angry at people that like fallout 3 more than the old ones and say that the old ones suck is because they are acting like everyone in society acts-they are judging by looks. All new games are about is looks (graphics). Hell, thats how everyone acts in the real world too which is sad but true. I judge a game by its gameplay, replayability and immersion. I play games like depths of peril and dins curse. Games that are like diablo 2 on sterioids. There is no story but the world itself reacts as you make a decision. You dont do a quest, someone in the game world will get killed (for good) hindering that world. The graphics arent the best, but it easily beats out all the other trash out there. People that base the games on looks need to take a nice dirt nap. Once they do, Ill sleep like a baby, heh.
deathknight1728: Thats the thing though first person shooters may have mediocre stories at best, but overall they are all reflexes. If you want to play a game where there is no story and its an rpg i can understand that and you will prally want to play d2. D2 has almost no story but it doesnt need it as the gameplay and replayability are immense.

The reason why i get angry at people that like fallout 3 more than the old ones and say that the old ones suck is because they are acting like everyone in society acts-they are judging by looks. All new games are about is looks (graphics). Hell, thats how everyone acts in the real world too which is sad but true. I judge a game by its gameplay, replayability and immersion. I play games like depths of peril and dins curse. Games that are like diablo 2 on sterioids. There is no story but the world itself reacts as you make a decision. You dont do a quest, someone in the game world will get killed (for good) hindering that world. The graphics arent the best, but it easily beats out all the other trash out there. People that base the games on looks need to take a nice dirt nap. Once they do, Ill sleep like a baby, heh.
Dont get me wrong I have never not liked or disliked a game based on looks. I look into long term when it come with rpgs if I felt I cant get 40 hours+ its not worth the money (unless it on ipod or gameboy) Will I play FO2 after I beat it .....maybe if I have the time. One of the things that FO2 and FO3 have in common for me is I can start playing and lose 4+ hours without even thinking about it. I will put FO NW into the group as well now that I think about. To be honest The fallout series was been one of the few series that does that to me :P (and morrowind of course)
Post edited December 12, 2010 by Ml33tninja
I know what you mean. Its just very aggravating when i am playing a game that has ok graphics (but amazing gameplay) and someone will be looking at me and say-That game sucks, what is wrong with you. I know right away they are judging by the graphics which is why i refuse to play console games because all it is is judged by how the graphics are. Most if not all new console games are based solely on the graphics and that is how they get fans. Thats why all new gaming companies and games suck ass. When i eventually involved in the field i am going to try and start up where bioware lost interest and black isle was extinguished. Thats why gog should get extra props for bringing alot of games to my computer without a hassle. They're basically a middle man 'that actually works really well'. Aside from that i am going to stop with the bashing on fo3 as it still does deserve some props.

One of the things that even though i disliked the first person view, made it better was the vats in it. Made even the most pathetic character extremely powerful in a fight. I only wish that the awesome voice actors in fo3 (liam neeson and ron perlman) were in the first 2 games. I think perlman is but i dont think liam neeson is.
deathknight1728: I know what you mean. Its just very aggravating when i am playing a game that has ok graphics (but amazing gameplay) and someone will be looking at me and say-That game sucks, what is wrong with you. I know right away they are judging by the graphics which is why i refuse to play console games because all it is is judged by how the graphics are. Most if not all new console games are based solely on the graphics and that is how they get fans. Thats why all new gaming companies and games suck ass. When i eventually involved in the field i am going to try and start up where bioware lost interest and black isle was extinguished. Thats why gog should get extra props for bringing alot of games to my computer without a hassle. They're basically a middle man 'that actually works really well'. Aside from that i am going to stop with the bashing on fo3 as it still does deserve some props.

One of the things that even though i disliked the first person view, made it better was the vats in it. Made even the most pathetic character extremely powerful in a fight. I only wish that the awesome voice actors in fo3 (liam neeson and ron perlman) were in the first 2 games. I think perlman is but i dont think liam neeson is.
Don't you think you're generalizing a bit? Most peoples I know don't tell me "This game sucks" when I'm playing an old game (although, to be honest, their favorite games seems to be Warcraft 3, Starcraft and Counter-Strike. I have fond memories of those too).

And to tell that the console market is solely based on graphics is both a bold and an incorrect claim. You obviously never looked much in console games.The Wii is a perfect example. The console is barely more powerful than the Gamecube (and the graphics that come with that) and yet, it still continues to sell like crazy.
Not true. I played console games almost exclusively my whole life up until d2 came out and even then i still played perfect dark and goldeneye as first person shooters even 5 years after they came out. The reason i generalize is because you dont see half as many people going to gamestop for pc games like bg2 and other top down view games-instead you see people going to gamestop to pick up the next cod game, assassins creed or dragon age (which other than dragon age require reflexes and nothing else) You cant say that generalizing isnt the right thing when everyone in the world does it.
Post edited December 13, 2010 by deathknight1728
deathknight1728: Not true. I played console games almost exclusively my whole life up until d2 came out and even then i still played perfect dark and goldeneye as first person shooters even 5 years after they came out. The reason i generalize is because you dont see half as many people going to gamestop for pc games like bg2 and other top down view games-instead you see people going to gamestop to pick up the next cod game, assassins creed or dragon age (which other than dragon age require reflexes and nothing else) You cant say that generalizing isnt the right thing when everyone in the world does it.
True people STILL get the wrong idea about what type of pc is needed to play certain games. I kind of blame ads for that. people look and see a laptop or pc for 1500 to 2000 with the label GAMING COMPUTER and people just say that too much money. People just need to do their research
Its not even that though. What i am saying is that there are so many games with good graphics and lacking in everything else. I used to play oblivion and that game is way too overrated. Besides the graphics, its an rpg and there are no real choices for you to make. The dialog is set as what you have to say. In bg2, bg1, fallout 1 and 2, icewind dale 1 and 2, planescape torment there are actual real life choices for you to make.

What takes the cake and is the only real thing that i find i can get actually angry at both those games is that if you steal something from one side of the continent, someway somehow a guard from the other side will immediately try and arrest you. This makes no sense. Do they have telephones or something that they can reach each other? I remember one of my friends was talking to me about how much he couldnt stand it-he told me that the way he saw it was that a guard from one side of the continent would throw a piece of crap from one side of the continent to the next and the other guard at the other side would catch it, smell it and then say: "I knew it...he stole 2 socks from that whore down the street, ill take care of it."

As much as that is stretching it, i cant help but laugh as its true. They had the gall to rate oblivion in the same category as the classics when its an action/rpg and not an rpg.
I cry a little every time I watch this, would have been the right way to do the Fallout 3.

But it was not to be and we got an Oblivion derivative instead.
... and I loved it to bits.

Sure, there are loads of problems (but not nearly as much as with FO2 on arrival). Not the cleverest story in the world and the worlds lousiest prostitute too (you pay much of your hard stolen cash and she just goes to sleep with her clothes on!)

But there was immense amounts of atmosphere! The wasteland was alive for the first time. Hard to explain how fun it was to just skulk on some cliff and see that radscorpion half a mile away. Or see those raiders and just snipe them from a far.

And the stats do make a big difference.

Have to check out Vegas sometime soon, hope it's as good as I hope...
Ill admit its a lot better than oblivion cause it has a decent story but the stats compared to 2 and 1 dont make as much of a difference. I dont like the fact that anyone can pick up a rifle and take on the game with maybe 40 skill points in small guns and low agility, perception, the works. It just doesnt make sense. Other than that, I just hate 1st person, 3rd person and any shooter games. I dont understand why bethesda had to make fallout 3, they should have gotten the company that did kotor 2 to do it. Cant remember the name. That would have been tits.
deathknight1728: I dont understand why bethesda had to make fallout 3, they should have gotten the company that did kotor 2 to do it. Cant remember the name. That would have been tits.
Ummm..., it was studio called Obsidian Entertainment that has made games like, err...

wait for it...

wait for it...


Whew, that was fun. *grin*
Post edited December 20, 2010 by Petrell
Post edited December 20, 2010 by deathknight1728
I know it's rape and all that but I really like the game. Should I feel bad for that? I don't think so.
Moreover, I like Oblivion too!
Sargon: I haven't played Fallout 3 yet but I find that there are many things that I like about it. The visions of post nuclear cities look very beautiful and interesting. Bethesda are very talented with graphics, and when I say that I'm not talking about polygons and resolutions.
RatherDashing: I dunno, I think they've taken a nasty hit to their artistic direction since Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Still, if I was to complain about anything(and I did, above, and the list goes on), I would have to put this near the bottom as a very minor "this could be improved a bit" mention.
My guess is that is best played as a rpg game set in the Fallout universe or a rpg game inspired by Fallout and Fallout 2 rather than a true Fallout successor.
RatherDashing: It's best played as a particularly bad shooter that happens to have a "pause" feature and random ascending numbers that affect nothing, but sort of give off the impression that this is an RPG if you aren't paying attention.
The really great thing about Fallout 3 is that it has revived the interest in Fallout and managed to introduce the setting to a multitude of new players. This in turn has made it more likely for others to make their games in the Fallout setting as seen with Obsidian's Fallout: New vegas. Especially since Bethesda allows other studios to develop in the setting.
RatherDashing: I will say this: Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout Online show promise. I really am interested in what they have to offer, though not as interested as I would be pre-Fallout 3.

But I really don't care if "the masses" are introduced to Fallout, because people are dumb. Most won't go back and play the originals, and most won't see the "3" as an indication of anything but "there are two other games in this series with a lower polygon count, so I should go with the bigger number". Much the same with film, people are stupid and shallow and you can't teach them anything by any means.
Preposterous, I likely would have never played Fallout one if it was not for Fallout 3, which I had a blast with, and played it like crazy, I recall me and my brother watching a video preview on TV and seeing ruins of familiar buildings in DC, and it really hooked me and him. On Christmas Day I get 60 dollars from my grandparents and get the game for my gift from them, I play it and pretty much love the game, and I had never played a Bethesda game before. I think Fallout 3 was great I had a lot of fun with it, and then I read this bitching about it, and I don't agree with any of it. I like the first one too, and today I played 1 for at least more than eight hours non-stop and I did the exact same thing with Fallout 3.
Post edited June 21, 2011 by khnk222
UrielDagda: I played through Oblivion and Fallout 3 without mods many times and enjoyed them. Of course Fallout 3 isn't going to be liked very much by people that really enjoyed the 2D turn-based Fallout 1&2. I'd love to see new games with current graphics like that, but it seems true turn-based RPGs are completely dead. Mainly because the 3D games have to put a tremendous amount of their game budget into the real-time 3D graphics, and wind up having less to spend on the other aspects of the game.

Hell, at least Bethesda tries to make a half decent RPG, whereas practically nobody else does anymore. The RPGers lambaste them for making a game that isn't roleplaying enough, while the action gamers bitch and moan because it's not difficult enough for hardcore FPS fans... And no matter which they try to appease, it just causes the other side to scream louder.

Unfortunately I don't see it changing any time soon. If anything the RPG aspects of games will get more and more watered down until everything is just a fancy Doom clone... I just hope that at least Bethesda still tries to make RPGs that at least hold on to a hint of what they used to be.
Thats how I feel about Bioware, look at Dragon Age for consoles or all the Mass Effect games so far. On consoles I get a terrible rip-off off DAO combat, instead of the awesome turn-based PC option like BG (they could have added an option for turn-based combat on consoles), and then look at Mass Effect its more shooter now then anything else and the most enjoyable part is the story and choices you can make, when is there going to be another good KOTOR that I love almost everything about instead of an MMO I doubt I will ever play, RPGs are getting dumbed down every year for the most part and at least Bethesda is being less drastic with most of their streamlining.
I cry a little every time I watch this, would have been the right way to do the Fallout 3.

But it was not to be and we got an Oblivion derivative instead.
... and I loved it to bits.

Sure, there are loads of problems (but not nearly as much as with FO2 on arrival). Not the cleverest story in the world and the worlds lousiest prostitute too (you pay much of your hard stolen cash and she just goes to sleep with her clothes on!)

But there was immense amounts of atmosphere! The wasteland was alive for the first time. Hard to explain how fun it was to just skulk on some cliff and see that radscorpion half a mile away. Or see those raiders and just snipe them from a far.

And the stats do make a big difference.

Have to check out Vegas sometime soon, hope it's as good as I hope...
If we had the Fallout 3 in the link then I must say I would have rather it been a more stylized 2D art style instead of 3D perhaps it would have saved some money for this version of Fallout if it was made.