Just a note for those who may have issues like I did:
The first fix of changing the name of the ddraw.dll file in the root is what got me up and running with the resolution patch. I am running a 22 inch monitor (wides creen) at its native resolution and this was the only way for me to get this to run, note I also have a 15.4 inch notebook in wide screen formation that I had to run this on as well.
A quick question as to the changing the resolution, just so I am aware: while I am not new to computers, gaming on them is fairly new to me, as is getting older games to run on more modern os'es, so forgive my ignorance, but how when the game will not boot can you set the resolution to a 4:3 on a wide sceen? Do yo mean in the OS properties page, or by right clicking on the short cut? The reason I ask is I tried this first and and still could not get this to run, only by resetting the view and then addressing the .dll file could I get the game to run, and I am wondering what was I missing? I am finally playing the game and so for so good, but I would like the chance to learn something here, cause I am certainly in the dark on it, thanks!