Posted June 16, 2020
The included hi-res patch should help working around this issue.
1. Re-download the script again, as I added yet another couple fixes, re-build the packages and install them
2. Copy the game binary where the hi-res patch will be able to edit it:
5. Enjoy ;)
If you get issues related to the mouse cursor leaving the game window, leading to issues with edge scrolling, see the following instructions. They are written for the first Fallout, but should work in the same way with Fallout 2.
1. Re-download the script again, as I added yet another couple fixes, re-build the packages and install them
2. Copy the game binary where the hi-res patch will be able to edit it:
cp /usr/local/share/games/fallout-2/fallout2.exe ~/.local/share/games/fallout-2/
3. Run the hi-res patch configuration: fallout-2_resolution
4. Enable the hi-res patch, and tweak settings there as you like (see attached screenshot). 5. Enjoy ;)
If you get issues related to the mouse cursor leaving the game window, leading to issues with edge scrolling, see the following instructions. They are written for the first Fallout, but should work in the same way with Fallout 2.