I do think that Fallout 3 is worthy to take on the Fallout name. It wasn't a quick rush project. It wasn't perfect, and it's not as good as the first two. But it has the feel down right, it does well for what it is, and I still find myself coming back to it for a bit more. I'm happy with Bethesda's take on it, and I'd like to see them expand it a bit further though. Make it a bit their own, perhaps by expanding their Institute storyline...
Part of what made Fallout 3 seem a bit shallow to me was that a lot of it was to help new people discover the Fallout universe. Now that they've done this, though, they can really expand. Perhaps if they brought back more customization in character creation through Traits and gave us more in terms of Low Intelligence Characters...more fans of the originals would be happy.
Post edited March 27, 2009 by RatherDashing