Strix: I find this relativistic view of art nauseating
because no one actually believes it. Arctodus: That's not correct.
You're right, sorry. I should have said intelligent people don't believe it.
robobrien: It seems your not happy unless you quantify in black and white terms what is 'good' and 'bad'. Art, music and pretty much everything else is not like that. Beethoven's 9th is superior to this or that because society says it? Because a thousand critics says it is?
Sorry children, but you're wrong. I hate to ruin your 'everyone and everything is special' world, but it's not true. You should give that education thing a try. The reason you don't appreciate good art is because you are ignorant in the relative fields or lack maturity.
Though given your familiarity with video games, it is clear that you are being blinded by nostalgia (your own or perhaps that of others) when you state that FO1 is a better game than FO3.
You post a response like this and accuse ME of a lack of maturity. You have shown your true colours and shown yourself up.
You complain and accuse Strix that his acting like a fanboy is impeding 'logical debate'; yet here you are kicking and screaming like a spoiled brat because two individuals have opinions you don't like.
And where did i state i prefer FO1 to FO3? Try actually reading the content of a post and responding to that. It was your inability to except and respect that Strix had an opinion and fully functioning brain all of his very own and able to judge what he likes or doesn't without you informing him that he is 'wrong'.
I don't know how you got your head in such a place that you are unable to handle views which don't line up with your own.
And art is for everyone. Do you picket your local gallery and demand only those people with YOUR level of maturity or sufficient knowledge in 'the relative fields' be allowed entry?
'Everyone and everything is special' is a remark neither i, nor Strix made, but don't let that get in your way of sticking words in other people's mouths and responding to your own arguements. Makes life easier doesn't it?
The only thing that is clear by your post is that you have many, many issues and the same tired old arguement.
Hell i might just stick 'Blinded By Nostalgia' on a t-shirt. 'Cos thats the only reason anyone, anywhere would ever prefer an older game to that of a newer one. Right?
Unless of course...not everyone thinks the way you would like them too. Damn..can an issue-filled narcissistic like yourself even imagine such a terrible world? Probably not.