strixo: Played Fallout 1 and 2 when they were released. Loved them. I approached FO3 with an open mind and no expectations. I was pretty pysched.
Atmospheric, pretty, gritty, wide open world. OK, cool.
Setting aside the FEV being out in DC (I chose to imagine FO3 as a reimagining of the FO universe)...
The inane storyline was like punishment for some bad karma. Will not be playing again. And I felt bad for Ron Perlman having to read that intro/conclusion. Embarassing monologue. Tacky. How does it have so many good reviews on Amazon? Why are IGN and Gamespot all gaga over it? Ugh. What an unengaging story.
Just venting. Thank you for your time. I know you've all the complaints before, on this forum and elsewhere. Just getting my 2 cents, for my own sake, not anyone elses. Bye!
Having played through FO 1, 2, 3, and working through New Vegas right now, I have to disagree a bit on one point.
Yes, the main storyline ends in a pretty abrupt, anti-climatic way in FO3. But I personally enjoyed the Capitol Wasteland as a setting, and put in a good 30+ hours doing side-quests and exploring. That, to me, was the real meat of the game.
I have to also point out, for those who haven't tried it: NV has much better writing and story arc thus far. It's a smaller map, but it feels more put-together as a result. My 2 cents.