DwayneA: But you can only have up to ten save slots. What do you do if you run out?
FO1 & FO2 are for sure 10 slots. Make sure to name each slot distinctly to identify newest save to oldest. I usually start with numbers, followed by the location name (or critical choice type, kill an NPC or save NPC type choice, etc).
FO 3 and NV, as far as I know, there are no limits (unless there's a cap such as 99 or 999 etc) and it may be possible to see any limits in the settings or config file. Some games do that, but I don't recall if these two do.
I always disable Autosave in any game that allows it. Why? Because it almost always does it during a transition from one location to another or from major cutscenes (the cutscene one may be ok, if there's a seperate option). The reason being for me, sometimes they glitch out in some games. If any saves have corrupted for me in the past, it was these types.
I use Quicksaves quite often in many games as a habit. A quick press of the good old F5 key (typically) never hurt. Manual saves for the permanent saves.
As Belsirk mentioned, you can also limit saves if you want to keep it simple. I recall I had to use a mod for Dragon's Dogma DA to have multple saves, since that game only had ONE slot. That was too simple lol.
But for me, multiple saves are for my peace of mind. Why? I may want to revisit an older area to refresh my memory of an event or NPC conversation, if something is the current save spot stumps me.
TBH, just do what makes you feel comfortable. There's only a few things that can limit you: low HDD or SSD free space or some games have HUGH save files ( and may cache some? wierd right?) and affect load times. I don't recall which game it was, but one game I played seemed to load a lot slower because of too many save files.
That's all I can think of on the subject, not sure what else I can add. Hope that helps. :)