Drelmanes: The first option (weak character that later becomes very powerful).
Since I want Cassidy in my team, I'll be a good samaritan. :P
Ok then, here's the basics:
ST: 5
PE: 7+ (need 8 for sniper at 24, you get +1 from a memory module)
EN: 4+ (wouldn't recommend more than 4)
CH: 2+ (depending on how many NPCs you want)
IN: 5+ (need 6 for bonus rate of fire at 15, you get +1 from a memory module*)
AG: 10 (ideally, you could go with 9 if you want to substitute a perk for Gain AG)
LK: 8 (you get +2 from the correct zeta scan from NCR or SF, 10 LK = 100% crits once you get sniper at 24)
How you distribute the leftover points comes down to personal preference. Personally I prefer higher IN for more skill points.
*Note: you have to not be evil to be able to get the IN memory module, since you can only get the quest to enter SAD from Orville Wright if you're not evil.
Traits: this also comes down to personal preference. If you prefer aiming, then I'd recommend Gifted and Small Frame (or One Hander IF you only plan on using one handed energy weapons, such as laser pistols or the alien blaster). If you don't care for aiming, then I'd recommend Gifted and Fast Shot. Once you get Sniper at 24 you'll be getting 100% crits with your 10 luck anyway, and Fast shot typically lets you get off one or two more shots per turn than if you were only making aimed shots.
Skills to tag:
Energy Weapons (going to be taking this to about 150 eventually, should be good enough for shooting at long range as well as in the dark)
Speech (always useful, raise this early on, no more than 100)
Lockpick (same as speech)
Perks by level:
3: Awareness (lets you see health, weapon and ammo of targets, useful for prioritizing your kill order)
6: Quick Pockets (filler, not mandatory, but useful because you can go into your inventory and reload as many weapons and use as many stims as you want for only 2AP)
9: Better Criticals (chance for instant death crits, nice)
12: Living Anatomy (straight up +5 damage per shot, need Doctor at 60 though so plan for this)
15: Bonus Rate of Fire (1 less AP per shot, if you have Fast Shot you have 2 less AP per shot)
18: Action Boy 1/2 (not too useful until you get the second)
21: Action Boy 2/2 (12 AP lets you squeeze off a lot of shots per turn with Bonus RoF and Fast Shot combined)
24: Sniper (100% crit with 10 LK)
And that's it. For this build, I'd recommend skipping as much as the temple of trials as you possibly can. Early on, just stick with Unarmed or a Melee weapon. Be sure to get training from Lucas and Jordan in Arroyo. Also be sure to get the Sharpened Spear from Mynoc so that you can later give it to Sulik. You need 50 Speech to convince your aunt to give you the flint (or just steal it from her). Once you get to Klamath, you can get some more Unarmed and Melee training and get Sulik as well. He'll come in handy until you can later swap him out for Vic and then Cassidy. I'd recommend getting the car as quickly as possible including the fuel cell regulator upgrade. I'd also recommend heading straight to New Reno, getting it stolen and then getting your free battery source going from fooling T-Ray (80 Speech should be plenty, reload if it doesn't work). After that I'd recommend buying the upgrades from T-Ray for trunk space. This will come in handy since next I recommend heading straight to SF and getting the Vertibird quest, then heading to Navarro and hoping that you don't encounter any Enclave patrols. Good luck.