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Hey all! Please visit this thread for more up-to-date information:

Right now, I can't unfortunately give you anything concrete.

The update proved to be more difficult than expected but we're determined to make it happen. We're actively working with Bethesda to bring it here. No ETA to give you though :/
Post edited June 11, 2024 by king_kunat
high rated

Hope you’re all doing well so far this week :)

Just sharing the current status of the Fallout 4 Next Gen update.

First of all, rest assured that both Bethesda and GOG teams are working on delivering the DRM-free version of this update as soon as possible.

However, we heard the feedback from the gaming community about the said update, that while bringing many useful improvements and additions, it sadly renders a tremendous amount of amazing mods unusable.

TLDR: We are considering freezing our build of Fallout 4 to provide the modding community with the necessary time to make their mods compatible with the last update.

The updated build, once greenlighted by both Bethesda and GOG, would be available via our GOG Galaxy beta branch system -and as an offline patch- to allow you to enjoy your modded version until you consider that the time is right.

Let us know your thoughts, wish you all a pleasant week.

Worm regards,

Sounds perfect to me.

I have no interest in upgrading until community mods are compatible, or maybe only after community mods actually require it.
Not the biggest fallout fan and my gripe with the game is ultrawide doesnt work and anything over 72fps basically bricks the game. I dont mind waiting if it means we get the "next gen" experience.
Virgile: Salutations!

Hope you’re all doing well so far this week :)

Just sharing the current status of the Fallout 4 Next Gen update.

First of all, rest assured that both Bethesda and GOG teams are working on delivering the DRM-free version of this update as soon as possible.

However, we heard the feedback from the gaming community about the said update, that while bringing many useful improvements and additions, it sadly renders a tremendous amount of amazing mods unusable.

TLDR: We are considering freezing our build of Fallout 4 to provide the modding community with the necessary time to make their mods compatible with the last update.

The updated build, once greenlighted by both Bethesda and GOG, would be available via our GOG Galaxy beta branch system -and as an offline patch- to allow you to enjoy your modded version until you consider that the time is right.

Let us know your thoughts, wish you all a pleasant week.

Worm regards,

Whilst thats great for the mods and stuff (I was always going to keep my older offline installers anyway) can we get an update for the free CC stuff that was added to the game as king in the sticky in the general made it sound like we were not going to get it.

Edit: Also perhaps this post should replace that there/be announced in general as most people don't bother with the dedicated forums now.
Post edited April 30, 2024 by RoboPond
Nice ! Thank you for the update.
Post edited April 30, 2024 by Odessam
Virgile: Salutations!

Hope you’re all doing well so far this week :)

Just sharing the current status of the Fallout 4 Next Gen update.

First of all, rest assured that both Bethesda and GOG teams are working on delivering the DRM-free version of this update as soon as possible.

However, we heard the feedback from the gaming community about the said update, that while bringing many useful improvements and additions, it sadly renders a tremendous amount of amazing mods unusable.

TLDR: We are considering freezing our build of Fallout 4 to provide the modding community with the necessary time to make their mods compatible with the last update.

The updated build, once greenlighted by both Bethesda and GOG, would be available via our GOG Galaxy beta branch system -and as an offline patch- to allow you to enjoy your modded version until you consider that the time is right.

Let us know your thoughts, wish you all a pleasant week.

Worm regards,

RoboPond: Whilst thats great for the mods and stuff (I was always going to keep my older offline installers anyway) can we get an update for the free CC stuff that was added to the game as king in the sticky in the general made it sound like we were not going to get it.

Edit: Also perhaps this post should replace that there/be announced in general as most people don't bother with the dedicated forums now.
I'd like to know that aswell on the cc stuff they baked into the game in the update that doesn't need the creation club to install now
Thank you for the update, that strategy sounds perfect to me, if people want the update with breaking changes to mods they can.

Thank you all for the effort on this release.
BanditKeith2: I'd like to know that aswell on the cc stuff they baked into the game in the update that doesn't need the creation club to install now
Yeah, I care less about when it'll come and more about what is coming. Are we getting some of the CC stuff, like the new Enclave content, or not?
BanditKeith2: I'd like to know that aswell on the cc stuff they baked into the game in the update that doesn't need the creation club to install now
SargonAelther: Yeah, I care less about when it'll come and more about what is coming. Are we getting some of the CC stuff, like the new Enclave content, or not?
Agreed as a prior blue made it sound like we might not get the added content it'd be good to confirm or deny whats being gotten as the release date of the update/patch can wait so long as we know what we are getting as while the content isn't that impressive, I'd still want to know if this version is getting it or not
I'm happy to see that they evaluated the community's feedback, and it will be something thought out and at the right time. That's why I like it here, these guys are awesome.
Virgile: However, we heard the feedback from the gaming community about the said update, that while bringing many useful improvements and additions, it sadly renders a tremendous amount of amazing mods unusable.

TLDR: We are considering freezing our build of Fallout 4 to provide the modding community with the necessary time to make their mods compatible with the last update.
Thank you for taking our concerns serious. I hope you'll find a solution to keep the current version available.
What a clusterfuck of an update. Thank god for GOG.

Reminder we are approaching the 10 year time gap that occured between Fallout 2 and Fallout 3 and this is what they put out.
Good Job!
Virgile: Salutations!

Hope you’re all doing well so far this week :)

Just sharing the current status of the Fallout 4 Next Gen update.

First of all, rest assured that both Bethesda and GOG teams are working on delivering the DRM-free version of this update as soon as possible.

However, we heard the feedback from the gaming community about the said update, that while bringing many useful improvements and additions, it sadly renders a tremendous amount of amazing mods unusable.

TLDR: We are considering freezing our build of Fallout 4 to provide the modding community with the necessary time to make their mods compatible with the last update.

The updated build, once greenlighted by both Bethesda and GOG, would be available via our GOG Galaxy beta branch system -and as an offline patch- to allow you to enjoy your modded version until you consider that the time is right.

Let us know your thoughts, wish you all a pleasant week.

Worm regards,

You've neglected to give an update on the free cc stuff added in the update? Such as the Enclave equipment, quests, etc. Is Bethesda also making it DRM-free? Not sure why this isn't being mentioned. An update on this subject matter would be nice.
I won't play again Fallout 4 until the patch is released.
But I'm happy to know that once it lands, I will (probably) be able to play it with the few mods I have.

Most important one being one that enables "proper rebinding".
I have an azerty keyboard and I need that mod to play fallout 4 to remap to ZSQD (instead of WASD), as by default the Z key is hard coded.
Post edited May 02, 2024 by Imarion