Natsfroh: Okay, so I load up Fallout 3, yeah? Launcher pops up, yadda yadda. Game too. But on the main menu when I click New game, it just outright crashes. I've tried everything and I'm losing hope. Please help.
RadiactoR: That's because you have an Intel Graphics Card or otherwise incompatible graphics card, like for example Intel HD Graphics something. Most bethesda games aren't compatible with the intel series, and you'll need to download a file from the internet called "d3d9.dll".
First google search for "d3d9.dll" takes you here: Place this file in the main Fallout 3 directory where the file "Fallout3.exe" exists.
And voila! You'll now be able to play this extraordinary game.
Uhh, is there any other program I can use? I don't wanna spend more.