Serian: Does the order the patches are applied matter? I also noticed that the game is already at version 1.2, probably because it is the European version and not the US, so if I go to 1.3.3 and want to add the children in what is the correct way to do it?
For these patches it doesn't matter much, since all the children patch does is place back a bunch of sprites without editing much else (at least, this is the case for Fallout 2, and I think for Fallout 1 as well)
phanboy4: The ammo patch alters the game mechanics, I believe, so you might want to try the game without it first. The second patch is sort of an "alternate" patch to the 1.3.3 patch. For best results I suggest you pick one or the other, but not both.
I personally use the 1.3.3 Team X patch fro my playthoughs, so I can recommend it.
What NMA recommends is TeamX 1.3.4 (they updated recently) for Fallout and killap's unofficial patch for Fallout 2. Others are often outdated or add material/change mechanics.
Rainstorm: What kind of graphics card do you use BTW?
I have an ATi 2600 XT myself, was thinking that if it's something that just happens with this and the other chips in that series it could be good to make a thread about it, like "ATi 2x00 owners, read this"...
Oh man seriously, you get the blackouts on an ATI chip? Because we always tagged this "the nVidia problem" because it seemed to be happening mostly with nVidia cards.