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I didn't really know too much about this game when I bought it off here a couple weeks ago. I knew it used a 3/4ths view, I knew that it was an rpg, and I heard that it was good, but I didn't read any reviews, I just heard by word of mouth that this was a cool game.
I figured 'six bucks, sure, i'll try it, if I don't like it at least I get more music thanks to the soundtrack that comes with it.'
This game is awesome.
The level of customization is fantastic, and depending on how you build your character you can have a different story outcome each time. NPC's respond differently depending on your charisma, intelligence, and strength, using your perception you can tell more about people, and the level of customization doesn't end with just stats, but also with skills, you can be learned in the ways of small arms, large arms, hand to hand, science, repair, gambling, outdoorsman, and many more.
All of this can create a different experience each and everytime you play. This game is worth more than Six dollars, but don't let know.
Weclock: I didn't really know too much about this game when I bought it off here a couple weeks ago. I knew it used a 3/4ths view, I knew that it was an rpg, and I heard that it was good, but I didn't read any reviews, I just heard by word of mouth that this was a cool game.
I figured 'six bucks, sure, i'll try it, if I don't like it at least I get more music thanks to the soundtrack that comes with it.'
This game is awesome.
The level of customization is fantastic, and depending on how you build your character you can have a different story outcome each time. NPC's respond differently depending on your charisma, intelligence, and strength, using your perception you can tell more about people, and the level of customization doesn't end with just stats, but also with skills, you can be learned in the ways of small arms, large arms, hand to hand, science, repair, gambling, outdoorsman, and many more.
All of this can create a different experience each and everytime you play. This game is worth more than Six dollars, but don't let know.

+1, you're fully right, this game is really AWESOME !
I remember that day when I was nearly 8, I played the demo on my Mac (xD) and when I saw my first chaingun kill, it was the most "OMFG WTF is that ?!" feelings I ever had, "What the hell is that ?", the beginning of a long story in video-games !
Beside the ironical meaning, I think GoG knows perfectly Fallout deserve much more than 6 bucks, but they understand that looking for quick profit is not the right way to do, the next-gen webseller are like GoG, not EA.
And if that cost only 6 bucks, why not buying the Fallout 2+Tactics, Descent or Citizen Kabuto ? it only cost GoG some bandswitch, and permit customer to buy several games... :D
yeah but if would have been good if EA made fallout seeing they remake their games every year and dont come with anything original. hey everyone: lets make another bf clone but... IN SPACE!!! orrr make some models and release another sims pack yey.
In Australia, you can get the fallout collection -- >1,2, tactics for 15 AUD.
So charging $6 for just tactics is about right actually.
I bought tactics from GOG anyway despite having the fallout collection on CD already because i thought they could fix the alt+tab problem in vista where if you alt+Tab out of the game and get back in, you lose the ability to chat.
how wrong i was = =
please can the the GOG techies take a look at this problem? I searched all the fallout communities such as NMA with no avail. The problem only happens with vista though. XP works fine.
Post edited September 20, 2008 by zhou
razvan252: yeah but if would have been good if EA made fallout seeing they remake their games every year and dont come with anything original. hey everyone: lets make another bf clone but... IN SPACE!!! orrr make some models and release another sims pack yey.

True to a point, but true enough.
I know people talk about it a lot, but I don't know if we should get all over ourselves waiting and yelling for a remake of these games.
Bethesda doesn't really "do" remakes. They make a game once, they make it perfect in their eyes with patches, and leave it alone forever and ever. It's why they give away Elder Scrolls Arena on their website. Since Bethesda now owns the main franchise of Fallout (including Tactics, I think.) they would have to be the ones to decide to do a remake.
razvan252: yeah but if would have been good if EA made fallout seeing they remake their games every year and dont come with anything original. hey everyone: lets make another bf clone but... IN SPACE!!! orrr make some models and release another sims pack yey.
Mascott: True to a point, but true enough.
I know people talk about it a lot, but I don't know if we should get all over ourselves waiting and yelling for a remake of these games.
Bethesda doesn't really "do" remakes. They make a game once, they make it perfect in their eyes with patches, and leave it alone forever and ever. It's why they give away Elder Scrolls Arena on their website. Since Bethesda now owns the main franchise of Fallout (including Tactics, I think.) they would have to be the ones to decide to do a remake.

Bethesda does remakes, sure it's not a storyline remake, but what they specialize in, is all the same thing, sure they do make other games, some racing games, but what they're known for is an open ended universe.
and reading from the description of Fallout 3, they're going to do the most disappointing thing they could ever do.
make it so the enemies level up with you.
meaning throughout the game you'll receive a challenge constantly, but also meaning that depending on how much you grind, the game will suck
what the -
level up with you? yuck. so you play the game but dont really achieve anything. thats nice.
Personally what i found very amusing in fallout is after i got the power armor and the plasma rifle i went hunting for cannibals. ahhh good times with weapons...
I love Fallout 1 & 2. I own them still, but have had issues getting them to run in Vista, so I figured I'd start off my "gog collection" by getting these. I love the idea of this service and wish it had been done sooner.
I owned #1 for a long time before I finally played it. I then wondered what the hell I had been thinking not playing it. I then tried to find #2 and it took me forever til I found a place selling the 1&2 double pack for only 5 bucks. Good times have been had and will be had again when I start the journey of #1 yet again later today.
I find myself constantly replaying, checking out the different options each time.
Damn Harold.
You're right it is worth much more. Luckily for me both times I've bought Fallout were at a great price. The first time I was in a Bestbuy like 5 years ago and I saw Fallout1 and 2 together for 10$ on the crappy bargain shelf. I was shocked. Now I'm buying them again here even though I still have my discs just incase. I love Fallout and I hope to God that Fallout 3 lives up to the Fallout name.
I played Fallout 1 way back when it first came out but I didn't finish it at the time. I love RPGs but sadly I get stuck in even the lightest of puzzles, I guess cuz I r dum :( Anyway, at the time, I think it was 1 billion bc, I was stuck in one of the puzzles and got sidetracked and never finished. Loved the game though, it had a lot of flavor. The box was delicious as well. With the help of Web 2.0 and my trusty Pipboy, I'm gonna finish that sucka this time!!
PS: Even now, I remember the puzzle that had me stumped had something to do with a nuke..
Post edited September 24, 2008 by gremlin64
This game brings back a lot of memories.
It's the only RPG I know where your stats actually matter. And the story is actually absorbing not just in the plot but in the dialogue and characters. Most RPGs construct a perfectly legit world and plotline but fail to compel because none of the characters are interesting. Dialogue just becomes a slog through all the different branches to make sure you touch on everything you need to (or, in the case of Baldur's Gate, a ho-hum choice between Good Option, Evil Option, Greedy Option). Not so in Fallout - character interaction is actually fun and entertaining.
razvan252: what the -
level up with you? yuck. so you play the game but dont really achieve anything. thats nice.
Personally what i found very amusing in fallout is after i got the power armor and the plasma rifle i went hunting for cannibals. ahhh good times with weapons...

That's why the PC version(s) of Beth games will always be better than the console versions. The mod community has made every aspect of the elder scrolls games customizable and added a nearly unquantifiable amount of content (including many mods that address the relative level of monsters). I expect fantastic things from the mod community, even if the original game is lacking.
Glad to hear that you've discovered the Fallout games as well, Wec. I too had only heard about the games by word of mouth, and said "Well, since I love RPGs, and have heard this is the best around, I'll try it." One of the best decisions I've ever made. I don't think I've ever been so compelled by a game before. I got it Sunday, played till Tuesday, then realized that I had messed up, so I started a new character, and beat the game in about a day. I always felt the need to continue on and find out what happens next, something I've only ever done with a few other games. I was very pleased with the ending, and can't wait to start on the next one(already installed, just taking some down time). Happy hunting!
I have to say I'm plesantly surprised by Fallout.
I got it like a day ago or something. And today I sat down and played abit.
This is one intriguing game, and I have yet to encounter bugs.
Hoping to finish this and Fallout2 (which I'll buy too in a little while) before Fallout 3 hits (and then I need to decide if I want to playing on the PC or the 360(I kinda want the achivements amd to play on a bigger screen)