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I've tried deleting all the files for fallout 2 and reinstalling it multiple times, but the game will not launch, I get the error message "fallout2.exe cannot be started". Can anybody help? It had worked on my computer before so I dont see what the problem is.
Renbean: I've tried deleting all the files for fallout 2 and reinstalling it multiple times, but the game will not launch, I get the error message "fallout2.exe cannot be started". Can anybody help? It had worked on my computer before so I dont see what the problem is.
It may be your antivirus preventing execution. Try disabling it temporarily. Also make sure that Windows' DEP (Data Execution Prevention) does not prevent it -- set to essential programs only, or add an exclusion. To check, go to Control Panel >> System >> Advanced >> Advanced >> Performance Settings >> Data Execution Prevention.
Thankyou for the response.

I disabled the anti-virus software, which wasnt the problem, the DEP is set to essential programs only. Do you think its an issue the game itself?
Renbean: I've tried deleting all the files for fallout 2 and reinstalling it multiple times, but the game will not launch, I get the error message "fallout2.exe cannot be started". Can anybody help? It had worked on my computer before so I dont see what the problem is.
Hickory: It may be your antivirus preventing execution. Try disabling it temporarily. Also make sure that Windows' DEP (Data Execution Prevention) does not prevent it -- set to essential programs only, or add an exclusion. To check, go to Control Panel >> System >> Advanced >> Advanced >> Performance Settings >> Data Execution Prevention.
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Post edited February 10, 2014 by Renbean
Renbean: I disabled the anti-virus software, which wasnt the problem, the DEP is set to essential programs only. Do you think its an issue the game itself?
It's certainly not the game itself. I run Fallout 1 & 2 (GOG versions) on Windows 7 64 bit, without any problem at all.

Where do you have the game installed to? Hopefully NOT inside the protected Program Files folder structure.
Renbean: I disabled the anti-virus software, which wasnt the problem, the DEP is set to essential programs only. Do you think its an issue the game itself?
Hickory: It's certainly not the game itself. I run Fallout 1 & 2 (GOG versions) on Windows 7 64 bit, without any problem at all.

Where do you have the game installed to? Hopefully NOT inside the protected Program Files folder structure.
The game is installed in (C:)>GOG Games, the default location where all games are, maybe I should reinstall it and save it somewhere else.

I just reinstalled the game it booted up and froze at the first cut scene. I think when I first got the game a year or so ago I had the same issue, because I remember the rainbow screen when it froze.
Post edited February 10, 2014 by Renbean
Hickory: It's certainly not the game itself. I run Fallout 1 & 2 (GOG versions) on Windows 7 64 bit, without any problem at all.

Where do you have the game installed to? Hopefully NOT inside the protected Program Files folder structure.
Renbean: The game is installed in (C:)>GOG Games, the default location where all games are, maybe I should reinstall it and save it somewhere else.

I just reinstalled the game it booted up and froze at the first cut scene. I think when I first got the game a year or so ago I had the same issue, because I remember the rainbow screen when it froze.
To be clear here, and to rules certain things out, have you applies any patches, official or community, or any mods?
Post edited February 10, 2014 by Hickory
Renbean: The game is installed in (C:)>GOG Games, the default location where all games are, maybe I should reinstall it and save it somewhere else.

I just reinstalled the game it booted up and froze at the first cut scene. I think when I first got the game a year or so ago I had the same issue, because I remember the rainbow screen when it froze.
Hickory: To be clear here, and to rules certain things out, have you applies any patches, official or community, or any mods?
No, I think there was a patch I installed when I last had the game. I can't really remember though.
Since it's a small game (~700mb) you might try making an installation on your desktop or something, and running it without changing/adding anything like patches or mods. That would at least rule out any issues with your rig or other installed software.

I always found FO2 to be a very easy, simple click-and-go game. I remember I used to run it out of a flash drive on other computers. Your problem is most likely gonna come down to finding which patch/fix/mod is messing up your install.
yoyolll: Since it's a small game (~700mb) you might try making an installation on your desktop or something, and running it without changing/adding anything like patches or mods. That would at least rule out any issues with your rig or other installed software.

I always found FO2 to be a very easy, simple click-and-go game. I remember I used to run it out of a flash drive on other computers. Your problem is most likely gonna come down to finding which patch/fix/mod is messing up your install.
ok thanks I'll give it a try, I might need to install the patch again maybe, but im not sure where to find it.

When you say making an installation on my desktop do you mean just moving the folder? I cant change when the game installs to, I'm not sure if you can change that. I'm not to smart when it comes to computers.
Post edited February 10, 2014 by Renbean
yoyolll: Since it's a small game (~700mb) you might try making an installation on your desktop or something, and running it without changing/adding anything like patches or mods. That would at least rule out any issues with your rig or other installed software.

I always found FO2 to be a very easy, simple click-and-go game. I remember I used to run it out of a flash drive on other computers. Your problem is most likely gonna come down to finding which patch/fix/mod is messing up your install.
Renbean: ok thanks I'll give it a try, I might need to install the patch again maybe, but im not sure where to find it.

When you say making an installation on my desktop do you mean just moving the folder? I cant change when the game installs to, I'm not sure if you can change that. I'm not to smart when it comes to computers.
When you launch the gog installer for fallout 2, there should be an options button on the bottom left corner. Click that button, and then where it says "Install games to:", browse to your desktop or another folder where you wish to install the game. Just make sure it's not the same place you installed originally. And don't worry about patches or anything like that.

Now you should have two installations of the game, your first one that doesn't work and another one that you just installed. Go to the second one and try running the .exe from inside the folder, I think it's called "fallout2.exe" or something like that. If it works, then we know the problem with the other one not working is confined to it's folder. Probably just a patch or mod that overwrote something it wasn't supposed to. However, if this second installation also doesn't work, then the problem is on your machine. Most likely some other software that is interfering with fallout 2.

EDIT: Just to reiterate, you are not touching your already existing fallout installation. Just making a second one. And don't add anything to it, not even patches. Just run the installer and see if it works.
Post edited February 10, 2014 by yoyolll
Renbean: ok thanks I'll give it a try, I might need to install the patch again maybe, but im not sure where to find it.

When you say making an installation on my desktop do you mean just moving the folder? I cant change when the game installs to, I'm not sure if you can change that. I'm not to smart when it comes to computers.
yoyolll: When you launch the gog installer for fallout 2, there should be an options button on the bottom left corner. Click that button, and then where it says "Install games to:", browse to your desktop or another folder where you wish to install the game. Just make sure it's not the same place you installed originally. And don't worry about patches or anything like that.

Now you should have two installations of the game, your first one that doesn't work and another one that you just installed. Go to the second one and try running the .exe from inside the folder, I think it's called "fallout2.exe" or something like that. If it works, then we know the problem with the other one not working is confined to it's folder. Probably just a patch or mod that overwrote something it wasn't supposed to. However, if this second installation also doesn't work, then the problem is on your machine. Most likely some other software that is interfering with fallout 2.

EDIT: Just to reiterate, you are not touching your already existing fallout installation. Just making a second one. And don't add anything to it, not even patches. Just run the installer and see if it works.
It didnt work, it booted up and froze again, I think it may need a patch,
Renbean: It didnt work, it booted up and froze again, I think it may need a patch,
The game doesn't need any patches to run, assuming you are using the GOG version. What version of Windows are you running?

Out of curiosity, is your shortcut using the GOG launcher, or launching the game exe directly?

The GOG launcher will look something like this:
"C:\GOG Games\Fallout 2\GOGLauncher.exe" GOGFALLOUT2

whereas launching it directly will look like this:
"C:\GOG Games\Fallout 2\FALLOUT2.EXE"

Use the second method (make a shortcut if necessary), as some people have issues with the GOG launcher.
Post edited February 10, 2014 by Hickory
System specs might help, although I can't imagine many machines that wouldn't be able to run fallout 2. It's working perfectly for me on windows 8.1 (using the fallout2.exe like Hickory said).

Have you applied a res patch or anything like that? That has definitely caused me problems in the past.
Renbean: It didnt work, it booted up and froze again, I think it may need a patch,
Hickory: The game doesn't need any patches to run, assuming you are using the GOG version. What version of Windows are you running?

Out of curiosity, is your shortcut using the GOG launcher, or launching the game exe directly?

The GOG launcher will look something like this:
"C:\GOG Games\Fallout 2\GOGLauncher.exe" GOGFALLOUT2

whereas launching it directly will look like this:
"C:\GOG Games\Fallout 2\FALLOUT2.EXE"

Use the second method (make a shortcut if necessary), as some people have issues with the GOG launcher.
Its Windows 7 64-bit, From what I can tell it is trying to launch from the .exe not the gog launcher.
yoyolll: System specs might help, although I can't imagine many machines that wouldn't be able to run fallout 2. It's working perfectly for me on windows 8.1 (using the fallout2.exe like Hickory said).

Have you applied a res patch or anything like that? That has definitely caused me problems in the past.
I've got no patches or mods installed. my processor is an AMD Athlon II P320 Duel-core 2.10 GHz, 4.00 GB RAM, Its a stock standard laptop, I havent added anything to it. I have had fallout 2 working in the past when I first bought the game.
Post edited February 10, 2014 by Renbean
Hickory: The game doesn't need any patches to run, assuming you are using the GOG version. What version of Windows are you running?

Out of curiosity, is your shortcut using the GOG launcher, or launching the game exe directly?

The GOG launcher will look something like this:
"C:\GOG Games\Fallout 2\GOGLauncher.exe" GOGFALLOUT2

whereas launching it directly will look like this:
"C:\GOG Games\Fallout 2\FALLOUT2.EXE"

Use the second method (make a shortcut if necessary), as some people have issues with the GOG launcher.
Renbean: Its Windows 7 64-bit, From what I can tell it is trying to launch from the .exe not the gog launcher.
From what you can tell? Am I to assume that you haven't checked?