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I'm afraid I have to give this game a thumbs down for now I may come back in half a years time when bugs have been identified and it installs smoothly.

It took me ages to install as the auto install didn't work as it couldn't locate my Fallout 4 folder even when I pointed to it. When it finally recognised the folder the installer crashed.

Ultimately I located how to install it manually by zipping up the data folder in the GOG folder and then dropping it unto my Vortex mod installer.

Once I got it installed it did work initially although I wasn't pleased that they made so dam bloody difficult to get from the Lab to the Tube. Usually games start easy and get more difficult as the game progresses.

Right so finally got out to the Tube which I didn't want to take as I wanted to travel on foot to the area of London I live in which is Croydon. I had to take the tube and it crashed as soon as I got to my destination.

Managed to load it up get to where I was forced to go to, so much for being a Open World Game even Fallout 4 doesn't do that, you get out of the vault and go the bloody hell where you want to go you are not forced to go to Concord and rescue that ponce sitting up in the museum.

Moving on I manged to get off the Tube on second attempt met the gang that doesn't have two brain cells between the three of them. To put them in a storyline that says that this clueless lot managed to infiltrate a high Tech Lab and destroy it. Give me a break. So I definitely wasn't about to stay with them starting out as with their combined intelligence they would be lucky to defeat the pigeons that inhabit Trafalgar Square,

I took their instructions to get to the next group which was North West of their location and promptly crashed just before reaching my destination. I decided enough was enough and came out of the game and erased it from my hard drive.

I will keep an eye out for though as it has a lot of great potential when the bugs get ironed out of it.
Sachys: I may have a solution (not sure if this will work for everybody):

I turned off autosaves on travel, and disabled "autosaves in the pip boy every" (or something to that effect).
NO issues since - just played a solid hour without issues.
This seemed to help a lot for me. I still crash occasionally, but wayy less.
Sachys: I may have a solution (not sure if this will work for everybody):

I turned off autosaves on travel, and disabled "autosaves in the pip boy every" (or something to that effect).
NO issues since - just played a solid hour without issues.
kevin.v.walsh: This seemed to help a lot for me. I still crash occasionally, but wayy less.
Good stuff! At least its working (partly) for some. :D
blaitong: Installing the Buffout 4 mod helped me clear the crashing issues that were happening after getting on the train.

Download from NexusMods and unpack. Copy the following files and folder from the unpacked mod package found in Buffout 4 > F4SE directory:

- Buffout4.dll
- Buffout4_preload
- Buffout4

copy the above files into your GOG > Fallout London > Data > F4SE > plugins directory.

I installed in the base game Fallout 4 GOTY> Data>F4SE>plugins
I am using a steam deck but installed via GOG Galaxy finally got pass the train wreck after a lot of discussion on the discord. A wee bit more involved than just install buffout 4 also had to install xSE PluginPreloader and address library, and set scrapheapmulti=4 as per AtomBomie Baby instructions from earlier this evening the video posted earlier also helped to edit config file had to go to desktop mode paste it onto desktop as got error message on GOG Galaxy which I am runing via heroic. Used kate tool to edit the config file and pasted it back where I got it from. Thanks to everyone that pointed me in the right direction.
Post edited July 27, 2024 by wyjan
Sachys: I may have a solution (not sure if this will work for everybody):

I turned off autosaves on travel, and disabled "autosaves in the pip boy every" (or something to that effect).
NO issues since - just played a solid hour without issues.
kevin.v.walsh: This seemed to help a lot for me. I still crash occasionally, but wayy less.
Doing this got me pass the subway ride!
kevin.v.walsh: This seemed to help a lot for me. I still crash occasionally, but wayy less.
mgodoy84: Doing this got me pass the subway ride!
..and now we are three.

Post edited July 27, 2024 by Sachys
Sachys: I may have a solution (not sure if this will work for everybody):

I turned off autosaves on travel, and disabled "autosaves in the pip boy every" (or something to that effect).
NO issues since - just played a solid hour without issues.
Sadly that did not work for me D;
Sachys: I may have a solution (not sure if this will work for everybody):

I turned off autosaves on travel, and disabled "autosaves in the pip boy every" (or something to that effect).
NO issues since - just played a solid hour without issues.
AIMED55: Sadly that did not work for me D;

so far its a flip a pound coin fix.
Between this hot mess and GOG stalling out, I give up. It seems GOG can't even uninstall FO4 correctly. I'll wait 6 months and see whats up, till then this is uninstalled.
Post edited July 27, 2024 by Madbat001
tribalgent: i got it fixed after i restarted my pc, maybe that wil work for you guys also
I figured, why not? I got to play at least 10 minutes after speaking to Gaunt which I wasn't able to do previously. Definitely progress!

Thank you.
I had the same issue. No trouble at all during the prologue, but immediate crash after the train. Then reloaded and it got past that, but ended up crashing within ten minutes or so every time.

I messed around with every graphics setting for many hours, some worked a bit better, some worse. Lowest settings for everything was instant crash, as was highest, and somewhere near medium was more stable but still crashing.

In the end I used Nvidia control panel to frame limit the game to 60fps, and then used the 'medium' preset on the Fallout 4 launcher. Turned off all tick box settings in advanced and left the sliders as they were. It worked perfectly, so I thought I could turn the graphics settings up, but no dice. Crashes returned, worse than ever. Medium preset only, turning OFF or lowering settings on anything else you don't want didn't cause crashes, but anything higher made it unstable again.

Then I was able to play the game for three and a half hours straight without a single crash. Literally no issues since and it runs perfectly, load times are less than ten seconds per cell. The game is great! Only issue I've had is the torch lighting is sometimes glitchy in certain crowded interior environments. I'd turn lighting up higher in the settings, but as I've finally got it stable I'm scared to change anything. And it's infrequent.

Now that it's working, the mod is amazing! Genuinely the best total conversion I've ever played, and has a really nice atmosphere and distinct feel from all the US based Fallout games.

Hope that helps some people.
The game also crashed repeatedly after the loading screen which precedes the train crash exit. Installing Buffout and its xSE Plugin Preloader dependency fixed the issue for me.

Since installing Buffout on top of Fo4 is a good idea in general - it's one of the many pieces of The Midnight Ride - and it helped multiple persons proceed further, per this thread... it should probably be integrated to Fallout London out of the box. The weight added to the massive Fallout 4 and Fallout London is tiny anyway.
The one thing that helped me, was switching the video settings to "Windowed" and "Borderless". I had to start a new game too. After that I had no crashes or any other problems. I even reached the point after the tube ride.
Just to say after failing to downgrade my steam Fallout4 several nights I just bought it again on GOG. I then downloaded Fallout4 and then Fallout London and it all ran ok until I took the train. It crashed to desktop just after the title screen. From the saves I had I got get on the train, but it wouldn't leave. I solved the problem by starting a new character, and went though the Shard and London Bridge Station in 20 minutes rather that the hour first time.

Then after about an hour it started crashing again. Consulted the instructions and downloaded buffout4 and xSE PluginPreloader F4 as per instructions and had one crash since then.
Same here. Uninstalled. It's okay : I can wait until these little quirks are fixed.

Funny thing : the notorious FALLOUT76 worked *flawlessly* for 300 hours on this same rig! Lolol