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I installed the update...and I was already in Thameshaven, needing to go down the elevator shaft. Once I did all that , met the Ferryman and planted the charge - all dialogue in Thameshaven was broken. I could start a conversation, but no dialogue options came up, i couldn't open up Trade/Barter/Buy.....nothing. So I started a new character, made it all the way out of the Shard, and as I walked up to Sebastian character froze in place. I could look around, but couldn't move and no dialogue options came up.

WHAT THE HECK???? I did a completely fresh GOG install of FO4. I am not using my old STEAM saves, I actually uninstalled all of that.

I am running as Admin, using the correct compatibility....everything worked pre update - now I can't do anything!

I know this is free and fan made, but it is a bit of a mess.

And before it's suggested, I'd prefer not to use Nexus mods. I do not want to bother with that much nonsense after already having to do all of the other steps to even get this game to launch without crashing.
Post edited August 13, 2024 by Gnarlus1138
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Not sure if i really want to reply to such an agressive post.

Did you just download the patch or did you after that also install it with the update button in the folon launcher window?

For me it works without any bigger problems, so it´s hard to identify a problem someone else calls a buggy mess.
LordNighthawk: Not sure if i really want to reply to such an agressive post.

Did you just download the patch or did you after that also install it with the update button in the folon launcher window?

For me it works without any bigger problems, so it´s hard to identify a problem someone else calls a buggy mess.
The game worked fine pre-patch - zero issues. I installed the patch, launched the game, continued from my last save...and aside from the conversation with the Ferryman (my last save was before heading down the elevator shaft) literally all dialogue stopped working. I could talk to Rachel - but there was no dialogue options for me. I figured that was as intended, so I headed to the doctor...again, no dialogue options of any kind. Tried the Ferryamn, no dialogue options of any kind.

I tried verifying the game files - no issues. Decided to try a new character - got all the way to the train crash site, no issues - got about 30 feet from Sebastian Gaunt and his two chums...couldn't walk, couldn't run. I could move the camera, and they were talking to me, but I could not move an inch and no dialogue popped up.

I did literally NOTHING except install the update. And yes, I hit update both times I was prompted.