Hi Bare Mettle staff.
Your work it's amazing. I meet this game few days ago and i'm playing on it most part of the day for few days with out possibility of get out of the PC. I love your game.
When you will put the 6.5.4 patch on gog version?
And for finish. Is just an idea. I love there is no way to save. I hate the save check points. I love the idea of growing a little every time until you are enable to send some body important to solve the situation. I hate you can kill the huge statues that easy. They are twice our heigth so they are like five man in volumen so they are like over six times srtong than a man so, one hit from them will destroy any armore and the person inside unless the hit is not direc. Should be somethink like the beast on arena game. Think about.
Why not diferent ways to solve the situation. If you are not enable to pass trougth a scape way from the dungeon... Maby is an option for SUI GENERIS.
Why not once they are on combat mode they are enable to open doors.
Why not every time you start a new player in the labyrint the keys run in a diferent secuence. Like five or four diferent secuences.Amazing work the labyrint. Well done my friends.
Why not make a labrynint with module rooms. Like advanced heroquest. You know... every time you start a new game the rooms will put in a diferent shape like five or more diferent secuences. A more simple labyrint rooms but really fun. And easy to die... I love it. And the same for the enemys or npcs. You know every time you start the objects you find on the chest are diferent. You make few diferent secuences for this i think.... So why not diferent secuences for start positions of the npcs. And the keys they carry or what ever important, every time will be on a diferent place. Like in Heroquest you know you have a paper map when you play as a master with all the monsters positions. Maby make few secuences with diferent locations for them. Think about please.
And please dont let a human bean kill somethink far over his possibilities. You know when you find a beast or some think of similar size you only can avoid it. Or if you are a necromancer maby you could wake up a small army for do the work. If not you could say... maby you could arrange few mercenaris for do the job like on the arena. But if we follow the game filosophy there is no way a profesional mercenary become a suicide squad. So, unless you form part of a religion war order like Templars or somethink like that and they pledge kill this kind of beast.... Why become some body a suicide squad...
I all ways drime on a game like this... I love isometrc view and i love role play. But i hate role play on pc because all are the same kind of shit. You are the hero hwo will save the world and you will kill every body for become far stronger than a semy god.... bla, bla, bla... Make XP and find the best objects for your time of relax pas in the most ridiculous way possible. Why not my goal on life is trie to kill a Smugler merchant hwo has some possition on the city agains my interest and goes every where with an ogre for cover his back.... What about the principal of the city is in fact a necromancer... What about the necromancers are all persecuted and are a really dificult to entry secret order... What about when you losse a battle you let there to die... or you take as a slave. If you are a scholary versed in magic you will sended to work as slave for the rich... If you are other think, you go to the mines... Long time quest to escape... If you are catched again you die because you ar market as a slave an no new slavery for the slaves hwo scape.. Othe way is become a gladiator until you die, or grain your freedom. Arena for long time with out save game. Buaa.. I love it. On the mines if you are a necromance and you are smart enougth for work as a gravedigger you maby could trie to wake up an army for kill every body but if any body scape a live. Every body on all the kingdoms will know you are a necromancer and will persecute you... And there is no way to wake up a death from no where like a mushrom. If you dont have a graveyard or a old battle field or recent bodies... There is no way you wake up a death.
And it's ok you include the war of the rose or eary renacence armores, but i find is to easy to bit some body with this. You in my opinion should put more diference betwen this and the rest, and should become really dificuld achive some think like this. And the great handicap should be the lak of practicity on the every day of this kind of armor. And the invetory is to big. You can not carry few pole arms with out huge penality on you capacity. Just one and if is your principal weapon. The secondary should be on your belt and maby carry a shield on your back but not with out penality. Your capacity of plunder some where should be so limited like on reality unless you goes every where with a donky or hores if you are rich. Think about on dramatic efects of put some think on the inventory on relation with your encumbrance. You know hwo beautiful will be die on the way out of a labyrint because your greed limited your capacity of run and you only can walk and you active a trap you not advice before...
Thank you so much for your efort. I love buy this game. There still lots of work for you finish but i desire to you all the best for finish it. All i write here is my opinions with all the respect to your own point of view. I hope maby somethink you will find usefull for your efort. I'm apologice for my english level but i'm catalan, so i all ways make few mistakes.
And for the last please think in not make a game continus like the massive online role games i saw. You kow the world is to big for make it walking and the magic of the vide games can avoid no sence walking. Maby on the dialogues you can jump to the places... Maby like Baldurs Gate a map with many maps. My concer is if the world finaly becom to small for be fun an realistic. You kow if you agree with some npcs for kill the beast in front the cave you want to plunder. Why not when you arrives on terms just jump to the zone for make the battle unless you find an aleatory encounter on the way to it. Maby you can cheated your companions and scape to inside the cave an let them die for not acomplish your word, not share the treasures. But if some once survive will persecute you.... Find some new companions and make to you an ambush. I like the way of Baldurs Gate solve how huge is the world. But like all ways is just my humble personal opinion.
I wish you good fortune on your efort and please keep going.
Best regards.