pinecones: I'm not sure what content had, however after a quick google I found Nexus is a pretty reputable repository for games.
Hope it works out for you :)
SpiritWolf448: *chuckles* Thank you for your efforts, pinecones. Nexus was already known to me. Probabl should have written that in the question.
As for content, let us just say that had a lot more mods than Nexus currently has. And that is not counting the discussions and tutorials, tools etc. - N1NJ4.COM really was the go-to site for Evil Genius modding.
But you are right that with some searching teh interwebs, one can find some of the info/stuff again. Having it all on one site was more conevenient, though. ^_^" (Yes, I know I am lazy.)
Thank you again.
I'm trying to setup a website with my Evil Genius modding knowledge.
I've had terrible sleep seeing as I have no heating, now that winter is over though things are warming up and I really hope to get my hands dirty into all the projects I have in mind, I honestly can't wait, there's so much stuff I want to do which I regret post-poning for so long, I don't work too well when I sleep poorly though.
Real life stress didn't help either, but I really hope to pull through, I'm really trying.