ambient_orange: Lol that guy... This game is a breeze after a while! Im surprised how easy it is once you know the ropes! Its like driving a car, does this topic guy whine that driving cars is 1/10 experience?
This game has some decent learning curve, but my God if devs would nerf it, there would be zero effort.. I find this game must be 2 times more harder when you unlock some blueprints and have some experience in weaponry and how to play.]Lol that guy... This game is a breeze after a while! Im surprised how easy it is once you know the ropes! Its like driving a car, does this topic guy whine that driving cars is 1/10 experience?
This game has some decent learning curve, but my God if devs would nerf it, there would be zero effort.. I find this game must be 2 times more harder when you unlock some blueprints and have some experience in weaponry and how to play.
Glad you have the reflexes of a rabid rattlesnake hopped up on red bull, and enjoy the "terribly easy, lulz" game, but quite frankly, there's plenty of folks that find the difficulty level rather offputting. I've had plenty of runs with absolutely jack worth showing for, as no money was dropped, and it's not so much a learning curve than it's a sheer cliff face.
Most people really don't appreciate getting curbstomped by a game over and over, and will instead go play something more fun.
Certain games like Dark Souls are hard, but at least fair and predictable. This is a RNG meatgrinder first and foremost.
Trey.754: Anyway here's the secret to the game: nothing matters but credits. Don't waste your time doing anything but collecting credits. The easiest way to get them in the early missions is to to dogfight. Which means you'll die quick, but any credits you find you keep once you're dead. Then upgrade, and up grade, an up grade. Start with the credit drop upgrade, because nothing matters but credits. After several thousands of dollars worth of upgrades, it gets a bit easier. Just upgrade, upgrade, upgrade.
...which is quite a sad thing, really. I wish the game would auto-convert at least the resources to credits upon death, so that picking up other stuff wouldn't seem so totally pointless. Combined with the fact that the upgrades follow the Blizzard school of thought with 1% improvement steps across several subsystems none of the upgrades feel like an actual upgrade until you blow plenty of points on them.
Yeah, I'm a tottery old git and obviously undeserving of this title, seeing that the self-proclaimed pro-gaming elite deems it too easy and demands further difficulty increases to divide the divine elite from the scrubs, but I'll raise my voice regardless:
It's a single player game. Would it really kill the game if you added some difficulty level below "go die in a (galaxy on) fire"? Hell, you could prolly also throw in a harder difficulty for those who are unsatisfied with the current level of punishment.