It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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hollunder: Otherwise we'll have to wait another two years or however long it takes ubuntu to update llvm.
shmerl: Use a rolling distro if you want newer llvm.
I do use one, Arch. The distributors however, GOG and Steam, target and test Ubuntu.
shmerl: Use a rolling distro if you want newer llvm.
hollunder: I do use one, Arch. The distributors however, GOG and Steam, target and test Ubuntu.
Ubuntu allows backports of newer Mesa, llvm and kernels. So that shouldn't stop distributors, they just need to specify Mesa / llvm versions in minimum requirements.
Post edited November 08, 2017 by shmerl
I'm not sure GOG supports that. If they do, great.
I just want to have the game available here within a reasonable time frame.
Hurts seeing sales with the expansion that cost less than I paid for over 5 month ago and not be able to play.
Cant they put the linux version up with disclaimers that it only works with graphic card x and MAY work with open source driver ?
hollunder: So it seems Everspace for Linux is out on Steam. Though not "official" it seems to work just fine now. When will it come to GOG?
baci: Hey there! We're still having some issues with some AMD card holders (in combination with VLC) and haven't really tested the game much yet for Linux, which is why we're still treating it as a beta version on Steam. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a Beta stream on GoG, so we can't release it here yet. We're looking into these AMD issues and hope they will be resolved with the next engine update, so that we can release it here within the next months.
Hi, Baci! Thanks for responding on this thread. I just wanted to let you guys know that as soon as you have Linux ironed out and available here on GOG that I will purchase your product and all the available DLC expansions. Keep up the good work!
I had written a mail to the developers of Everspace some months back and they said they are hoping to releasing it soon...
Well looks like in a couple of months I will have the game for over a year, guess sticking to 'no tux no bucks' would have been the better idea back then :(

At least using wine it seems to be semi playable (chopped sound for me), cant understand release policy, are they waiting to ubuntu to catch up on its lib versions to function properly?

No info is worse than "we cant release because of X"....
As it looks right now, the next patch will bring Linux support to GOG! There are a few minor issues but we feel confident releasing it now.
Edit: The patch should be there within the next two weeks. Depends on GOG approval though.
Post edited May 02, 2018 by baci
It's a great news!
Thanks for not abandoning this quest!
Official Linux support has just been added with version 1.2.3 of EVERSPACE, which means you can now also play the Linux version on GOG! Enjoy :)
baci: Official Linux support has just been added with version 1.2.3 of EVERSPACE, which means you can now also play the Linux version on GOG! Enjoy :)
Thanks for working on the Linux version and releasing it on GOG at last! :)
baci: Official Linux support has just been added with version 1.2.3 of EVERSPACE,
Just for the reference, it works OK for me on AMD Ryzen system using system bundled libraries (with full bundling it produces illegal instruction error).

However on Intel CPU it produces illegal instruction even with system libs script. I was able to work around it in such case by commenting out the bundling of VLC (which is used even in system bundling script). It works fine after that and even cutscenes work OK, so I suppose that bundling isn't necessary if system VLC is installed.
Post edited May 10, 2018 by shmerl
baci: Official Linux support has just been added with version 1.2.3 of EVERSPACE,
shmerl: Just for the reference, it works OK for me on AMD Ryzen system using system bundled libraries (with full bundling it produces illegal instruction error).

However on Intel CPU it produces illegal instruction even with system libs script. I was able to work around it in such case by commenting out the bundling of VLC (which is used even in system bundling script). It works fine after that and even cutscenes work OK, so I suppose that bundling isn't necessary if system VLC is installed.
I'm getting the same error, but cutting VLC out of the script didn't do anything for me.
Original error for reference, because the script where I cut out VLC didn't even show any output.
./ line 3: 5911 Illegal instruction (core dumped) LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$UE4_PROJECT_ROOT/RSG/Plugins/VlcMedia/ThirdParty/vlc/Linux/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/:$LD _LIBRARY_PATH" "$UE4_PROJECT_ROOT/RSG/Binaries/Linux/RSG-Linux-Shipping" "$@"[/code]
Edit: formatting
Edit 2: I don't know how to use the code tag (if it even exists)
Post edited May 13, 2018 by NovaPhoenix1
NovaPhoenix1: I'm getting the same error, but cutting VLC out of the script didn't do anything for me.
You need to use the script with system libraries, not shipped ones. And from the system libs one, cut out VLC libs loading.
Post edited May 13, 2018 by shmerl
baci: Official Linux support has just been added with version 1.2.3 of EVERSPACE, which means you can now also play the Linux version on GOG! Enjoy :)
Thanks! That was a hard wait :] works for me with
$ ./ --syslibs

No modification required (Arch Linux). Nice to see this --syslibs option!
hollunder: works for me with
$ ./ --syslibs

No modification required (Arch Linux). Nice to see this --syslibs option!
Same here using arch, had one complete lockup of the game once, but nothing else so far, unfortunately could not debug what happened there.