dtgreene: From testing, that seems to be about right, except that there seems to be a minimum chance to hit.
If it follows formula [Lv / 4] + 1, then there is + 1 base chance to hit at Lv1, which means 55% Chance to Hit 10 AC (0 Hit Chance is 50% accordingly).
dtgreene: From this, and considering the minimum hit rate (which feels like it's higher than it is in Wizardry), it seems likely that it would be [Lv / 4]. More testing, especially on higher level enemies, is stilll a good idea.
That one notorious hole has locusts and gremlins in masses, accessible non-random encounter. Locusts have 7 AC, Gremlins have 6 AC. In this game it is very easy to see when you reach Hit Cap, as even if you lack 1 Hit, you get very high % chance to miss at least 1 of your hits per attack. When moment of reaching Hit Cap for Locusts and Gremlins is registered, it will be very-very easy to derive base Hit Chance and how character level contributes to it (might differ per class).
dtgreene: As for enemy hp, here are some tests using Song of Destruction against Avi (separate battles):
7, 5, 5, 5, 6, 3, 5, 6, 5
I just had Locust die on me from attack for 9 damage. Looks like bottom value might be [MaxHP/4], but it seems like huge variance. Some monsters don't have HP variance at all according to database.
Hmm Archer Polete is yet another enemy, whose weapon isn't shown in database directly (it shows generic "Strike" weapon instead).
Also i now see why developers noted that AC is much more important in this game than in first Elminage, enemies in first Elminage go way beyond lv100, thus rendering AC useless (even though, game looks more generous with armor and weapon stats - all starter weapons have at very least +1 Hit, and some even have 2 Attack rate).
By the way, i discovered that Enterook Mista doesn't benefit from Spirit Contract. Being the player I am, I will have to live with Spirit Contract choice and not with Magic Essence (Enterook Mista is missing a lot)...
dtgreene: Strength: 32 (probably +10 to hit)
Give me time, today I will make stat table for Strength for 20+ with exact damage benefits (I hope hit benefits = damage benefits). Though last time i hex-edited char with 63 stats, he went out of control and was acting on his own (no negative status). Hex-editing stats looks slightly convoluted.