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im playing Elex 2 on a Ryzen 5950X system with a 3090 FE GPU in 4k and 70% scaled. I'm using VSYNC and 60 FPS.
I entered the Outlaws base and the FPS are below 60 FPS, i gettign very often unplayable 40 FPS.
I stopped paying the game for now as this 55 to 40 FPS make 0 fun. I dont understand how this year 2005 Graphics cant keep 60 FPS on my Hardware. I have tried to scale down to 50%, this has no effect.

I really dont know what to do. Any idea? I would like to continue playing, i really like the game, excepted the graphics.
Drivers are all up to date, specs i shared, issue must be in the game. I assume that the outdated engine is using light effects, e.g, burning barrels extremly expensive and single threaded on the CPU.
Is there any way not to dramatically reduce the graphics quality as it is already super bad but to become better performance? I think the settlements cost most performance, outside i had frame drops "only" in waterfalls.

Thank you

a frustrated Elex fan..
Post edited March 27, 2022 by thorium666
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thorium666: [...]
I really dont know what to do. Any idea? [...]
Seems to be just normal at the moment. Looks like certain areas are not very well optimised. Even if you put it down to 720p 50% and reducing all graphical sliders to a minimum, you can still see the drops in fps.

I am very resistant to bugs and fps drops, so I can totally bear 24-30 fps in certain areas even for extended periods. For me it stays playable. It's a rather slow game overall, after all.
You are totally right, i was just now reducing everyrting, same bad FPS in the Outlaw area.
I haven't found contact options for game support, looks like they want avoid tiekcts form games..
I read on the steam forums someone rolled back their nvidia driver to 511.78? Or 511.91? Something like that. Anyway, they said they rolled their drivers back and got much better performance.

I can personally speak that running a 5700 XT (about as powerful as a 2070 FE) and a R5 3600, I was getting really bad fps drops quite a lot until a recent windows update. I also rolled back my AMD drivers, so it's possible that was what actually fixed it.

Anyway, between one of those two things, I now get 60 fps 95% of the time in the game. The newest drivers for AMD and Nvidia both seem to be problematic.

Good luck, I'm still not sure how I fixed my game, but I'm afraid to change any settings again because it's finally working. Others have reported their game "magically" fixing itself as well, over the history of the first three patches.

Wish I had a definitive answer for you.


downgrading the driver is not a solution for me, Windows will try to reinstall the actual again, i don't want start doing exceptions for this game.

Does anybody know how to contact the game support? It seems they hide any contact options, i haven't found an official support from PB or THQ, just a THQ contact form which is 1. captcha contaminated and 2nd, nobody seems to monitor, very generic and not Elex 2 related, not asking the standard questions. Maybe just for work therapy through captchas.
Post edited March 29, 2022 by thorium666
thorium666: HI,

downgrading the driver is not a solution for me, Windows will try to reinstall the actual again, i don't want start doing exceptions for this game.

Does anybody know how to contact the game support? It seems they hide any contact options, i haven't found an official support from PB or THQ, just a THQ contact form which is 1. captcha contaminated and 2nd, nobody seems to monitor, very generic and not Elex 2 related, not asking the standard questions. Maybe just for work therapy through captchas.
Suggest you Bing/Google/Duck "How to keep Windows from updating my device drivers"...there's a lot written up about that. It works, I haven't seen a Windows-installed GPU driver in years, through Win10 and now Win11. It's very easy to do, and well worth it, as it puts you in control of your driver installations and knocks Microsoft out of the picture.

BTW, have you tried vsync off? I would suggest you do that and see if it makes a difference. I think ~30fps-40fps is a part of the game engine, since with my 6700 XT I usually run at ~35fps (or less!) except it does go up precipitously at times with vsync off. I get no page tearing and no stutter, and the game plays very smooth and seems better than 35 fps--which is why I think the limits are encoded into the game engine itself.

Also, THQ is not at all responsive to tech-support questions, I have found, with other games. I don't know how to get in touch with PB these days. I would recommend you search for forums dedicated to Elex/Elex II, although the ones I've found have little information. The Steam Elex II forum has more written up about the game than any of the other forums I've looked at.
Post edited March 29, 2022 by waltc
Sorry, i really don't need these "how to use search engine" tips, oki?
I will not make an exception and this is my last statement about this, no need to "teach" me, i can promise you, i don't need these explanation, thank you for your understanding :).
I really using new games with DLSS and RT and i don't downgrade and keep downgraded for this game.

I don't like V-Sync off, the bad graphics become worser with tearing. I'm sensible, i always playing with V-Sync only. ELEX 1 had similar graphics and it run always with 60 FPS, in 4k and without scaling.
But honestly, i will test this, lets see how the look and feel is without V-Sync.

I really don't want post my issues with this game in more forums, the risk is also having more "teaching" answers, i have no mood for this. I would like the studio analyse the crap they programmed (they game programmed mess). I'm really a fan of the game, i assume people with less relation with this universe will just stop playing it. I agree, today is one more day and still no answer.
Post edited March 29, 2022 by thorium666
Hi waltc
I've tested with V-Sync off, this really is still bad, The only what is mitigating the issue is enabling LG TV "TruMotion" = "Smooth Movement". This is adding latency but works as "fake" 120hz with pseudo stable FPS.
Hey if you don't want to try the things that have worked for others, that's on you and completely your business. I was just trying to help.

There is no blanket solution for the fps drops in this game. It will probably never be fixed. All you can do is try to mitigate it, but nothing works for everyone.
Post edited March 30, 2022 by CymTyr
thorium666: Hi waltc
I've tested with V-Sync off, this really is still bad, The only what is mitigating the issue is enabling LG TV "TruMotion" = "Smooth Movement". This is adding latency but works as "fake" 120hz with pseudo stable FPS.
Yes, it could be a difference in the cards...I don't get any tearing with the game when playing with v-sync off--that's why I mentioned that ~30 fps could be programmed into the game engine itself--otherwise, I'd expect to see a little tearing every now and then.

Well, hope you can get it like you want it. Wasn't kidding about fixing Windows10/11 (I'm on 11) to refuse device drivers from Microsoft through WU--that would solve your problem of installing a driver only to have Windows come along and install something else whenever you do an update...;) It's so-o-o-o-o-o much better not to have worry or even think about that happening...;)

Some guy on the Steam forum thinks that they are about to transfer the game to D3d12, because of some things documented by the Steam update process engine...but I'm not holding my breath. One thing D3d12 does so well is drastically cut down on the number of draw calls the GPU has to make in every frame rendered--3dMark has a test that illustrates the difference, and it is dramatic. However, as with everything, the skill of the game devs plays a major part regardless of the primary API used for rendering.

Still, this game has a charm that is difficult for me to define...;) It's so slow paced that frame-rate hardly matters. I'm hoping for the best, though...
Honestly, waltc, this is where I'm at. I was heavily bothered by the fps drops, and then it just sort of fixed itself, and now even with minimal droppage, I no longer care about it fluctuating. The world itself is so awe inspiring...
This is just suboptimal to fix driver to an old version just for one game, i have a bad experience with this, this is why i'm not a fried of such workarounds, especially it is not the only game i'm playing. So it is not that i need help to implement this, i just don't want. I also replacing the DLLs for DLSS in the games, so downgrading driver may have impact on this procedure. But good, we talking here about Elex 2...

I'm curious about this DX12 migration, this probably is the best they can do? Maybe 2nd best, best would be re-release in other engine .). I still wonder how such glitches can pass the QA.

without V-Sync the FPS in the area are still very, how to call it - like a stop motion movie. I wish i would get a result like you describe, then i would live with tearing. There no FPS smoothing, the effect is extreme.
If i use the Jetpack, the FPS going up.

My hope is that not more areas are like the outlaw area, i really like the game but this sucks..
Post edited March 30, 2022 by thorium666 made a benchmark and tested a view GPU's and CPU's with the game. They came to the conclusion that it's overall too ressource haevy to what's presented. And sadly on AMD cards it underperformes (they are not utilised well, and at times not at all), even with the same CPU's installed (the CPU's perform with nvidea up to 145% better).

CPU performance seems to be downright awefull in combination with AMD GPU's.


Edit: added "Source:"
Edit: Typo
Post edited March 30, 2022 by kzadur
DX12 should help with calls the game makes in each scene, but how much is anyone's guess.
CymTyr: Honestly, waltc, this is where I'm at. I was heavily bothered by the fps drops, and then it just sort of fixed itself, and now even with minimal droppage, I no longer care about it fluctuating. The world itself is so awe inspiring...
I definitely agree with you...even though I read 30 fps the game plays perfectly smooth, as if it was running at a higher frame rate, so it hasn't bothered me that much, either. I found a listing in one of the game's configuration files, and sure enough it limits the frame rate to 30 fps! So...I've changed it to 60 fps as the limit, and I am only now looking at the game to see if the frame-rate has increased because of this. If it does, I'll get back with the specific info, and so forth.