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Well from what I have heard and read so far I have drawn the following conclusions about the new Eador. Keep in mind that I have NOT been able to play the beta at all and I actually really wanted to.

First off it sounds like they could have just called it "Eador: Second Genesis" lol.

Two, they pretty much just updated graphics and perhaps added a few things to the original but kept the exact same story line as the first.
It kind of sounds like how Heroes of Might and Magic 5 is compared to 3. To make my position a bit clearer I played Heroes of M&M 2 way back when and liked it quite a bit, played it whenever I could visit my friend that had a comp lol. Heroes 3 was a GREAT sequel and improved in practically every way on 2. Heroes 4 was ok but really strayed way to far from the original and had serious balance issues that made pvp games have way to many rules. Heroes 5 was a return the the glory days with great new concepts that worked and had vastly improved graphics (sadly these did somewhat mess up gameplay as it was hard to see things especially when they were behind the graphics). Basically to boil it down this game sounds like it's focusing a bit to much on graphics and letting so many other things suffer because of it.

Three, Developer really posted a release date way to soon and constant delays are making players annoyed. Seems they really shouldn't have started Pre Orders when the damn game is still in Beta tests. Seems like there just a bit to greedy.

And finally there is no way in heck that I will be paying full price for this game unless they have a playable ENGLISH demo and even then will prob wait till gogs xmas sale unless it is a lot better than I expect.
mbpopolano24: Well, I thought to speak with people who can understand the difference between an opinion and a fact. Since some here apparently do not, let me be even more 'arrogant', let's make this a 'teachable moment'.

Opinion: the new building interface is crap / (alternatively) the new building interface is good;
Fact: The OP stated: "They returned back this stupid building wheel"; this is a lie, since the building interface has now two modes, the wheel and the advanced mode in which you can see the list of all buildings.

Opinion: I like Genesis more / (alternatively) I like MofBW more
Fact: Gremlion stated: "So, basically, MotBW is a scam on ruins of Genesis". This is a lie, since in English scam means: "a fraudulent scheme; swindle". There is nothing fraudulent about the game. Hundreds of people are playing it right now.

And the list goes on and on. So, if you would care to actually read was I wrote, instead of making stuff up, you would know by now that, and I quote myself since this does not warrant my time any more:
Well, I certainly don't recall saying any of the above listed items were facts, so I'm not sure what point you are trying to make.

mbpopolano24: "The game has bugs and Snowbird Games is working hard to fix them. They will support it after launch. It is perfectly fine and understandable if you want to wait for a bug-free version, that's your right. Also keep in mind that this game is priced as $20, which is less than half of new games. I played the beta for 200+ hours, I think the value is unbeatable."
The statement "They will support it after launch." is something I would consider an opinion. It is not a fact until they do, and plenty of game developers don't. I happen to agree, I think they will but that does not make it fact.

mbpopolano24: I also wrote that you can keep making accusations here and complain about the game (easy) or actually get the game and see for yourself (I know, it would actually requires you to make some efforts; isn't it wonderful that, instead, you can just keep complaining?). Thanks to everyone with a sincere interest for the game, I am back playing and enjoying it.
I didn't make any accusations, and they're were fewer here than you portray (with your list goes on and on comment). I merely stated if the game is going to be delayed they should fess up. I also stated that if having preordered (like I have), I see little point in downloading a beta a few days before the game is to be released.

As for sincere interest, I would bet most people here have one. I've seen no indication of personal vendettas or hidden agendas like you claim, just people expressing their opinions on the current state of the beta. I plan to enjoy the game on Friday if it is released as expected and there are no bugs preventing my playing.
The overall opinion I'm forming is that the game isn't what it should be and snowbird are guilty of not listening to their most knowledgeable (i.e. russian) fans.

But the game doesn't look like it's going to be a complete sword of the stars 2 disaster. It's unpolished rather than broken.
rahal: The overall opinion I'm forming is that the game isn't what it should be and snowbird are guilty of not listening to their most knowledgeable (i.e. russian) fans.

But the game doesn't look like it's going to be a complete sword of the stars 2 disaster. It's unpolished rather than broken.
It's kind of funny then that the word "Broken" is in the games title isn't?

I do wish they had actually made a new game though and not just a remake with better graphics. I find the new game title to wordy as well. Anyone else think it should just be "Eador: Second Genesis" ?
My opinion in March was like that

This betatest in 3 days before release is last straw for me. Don't forget about timezones - there can be 12-14 hours difference between you and developer. So, you post bug, 12 hours later dev asks you for more details, but you already sleeping. 12 hours later you wake up, read his request, and give him details, which he will read in another 12 hours. Voila, 36 hours just to clarify 1 question.

Now let's talk about facts.
1.Initial release date - February 2012. If you go to official Eador site you can clearly see 2012 with link to it.
2. Around New Year appeared Souslov and told that "game is almost ready, but we will release it in Q3, we need some time for polishing multiplayer, plus there will be heroes 6 and new x-com soon, we don't want to compete with them". We chuckled about that they will actually play these games instead of work, but accepted delay because multiplayer is important part.
3. In the end of Q3 Souslov told that "aaaand our beta almost ready, release will be at then end of March/start of April(!), you can apply for it here, beta test will start in XX days". It started 2 weeks later, actually. Read #2 again - they had "almost ready" game in February and needed some time to add multiplayer. First beta - no multiplayer, no dialogs in campaign, can't change difficulty, no medals, "access violation" error, elephant sized fairies and much, much^n more. Can someone call this as "almost finished game with multiplayer?"
4. After fail launch of first beta they promised new beta build asap to address "Access violation" in January, didn't make it, then promised second beta-test on 8 February, which started on 12 March

This looks for me like schoolboy constantly "forget" his homework at home.

About postponing for multiplayer - they removed one of existing versions of it in form of battle for shard and just polished tactical battles, which existed in Genesis (Developer's instrument - press B during loading)

I don't even nitpick about arced walls around castle (think about it, these corners between tower, arc and wall make it easier to put ladder during siege), which was an issue for some players or horses with stockings.
Small button sizes - why? THIS really makes game unappealing for me, playing with touchpad would be so hard.
Building wheel is not the only one wheel - I need alternative for command wheel for heroes.
Post edited April 18, 2013 by Gremlion
Yes i have to thank Gremlion for making a wakeup call. Not everyone is reading everything on all forums. And stuff like this shouldnt be ignored and justified.

Even the one thing like - no combat music clearly states that the game is made by greedy people! Its obvious and shouldnt be accepted as it is now!
bossonova: [...]

Snowbirds yet again f*ed up dates, last beta test just started, so game will inevitably be released with bugs.
Actually, in last stream producer stated "Paradoxes released Europa 3 with bugs, why we can't too?". With this attitude I don't expect anything good.

Hahaha, oh wow. What an attitude. I'm glad I didn't pre-order, now. This is one game I won't be buying if for no other reason than to not support douchyness like that.
Why is this the only negative thread on steam,reddit,gog and official forums combined if the game is in such a bad state ? Even if we assume devs are are censoring the steam and official forums that still doesn't explain why there is only 1 negative thread on gog forums.
yaang: Why is this the only negative thread on steam,reddit,gog and official forums combined if the game is in such a bad state ? Even if we assume devs are are censoring the steam and official forums that still doesn't explain why there is only 1 negative thread on gog forums.
I can think of various reasons. One point is probably because the game is actually a Beta test at the moment so ppl are a lot more lenient because they realize that it's not a finished product. Two if you read the various threads with anything todo with it there are always a few negative comments but ppl are trying to make those criticisms constructive with hopes for it being fixed.

Third and most important I think is the fact that Genesis was such a good game people are just excited to have a sequel that fixes some of the few issues it has and are willing to overlook some things.
yaang: why there is only 1 negative thread on gog forums.
That's a russian game (I mean few understand it here), not released. Once released, if still in beta, then people will ask GOG for refund.
Post edited April 18, 2013 by ERISS
EvilLoynis: I do wish they had actually made a new game though and not just a remake with better graphics. I find the new game title to wordy as well. Anyone else think it should just be "Eador: Second Genesis" ?
Maybe once it flops, Bokulev will ditch Snowbird and make a 2D sequel on his own again.

I do like the superfairies,though. :D
yaang: Why is this the only negative thread on steam,reddit,gog and official forums combined if the game is in such a bad state ? Even if we assume devs are are censoring the steam and official forums that still doesn't explain why there is only 1 negative thread on gog forums.
To be completely honest - there are people, who are OK with current state.
Some can't launch Genesis, some can't stand its graphic (I do know people who can say that "graphic is half of the game"), some don't like small window.
They would accept Motbw in (almost) any form, because it have same, and even improved, gameplay.
Some just don't care about Motbw at all - "same gameplay? Pft, I already have Genesis without DLCs".

I would add that Genesis is pretty new game for non-russian community, and you can see some really cheerful feedback about how great this game is and become excited about remake.

From our side, from russian gamers who wait for proper multiplayer in Genesis for 3-4 years, this remake without strategical multiplayer and with constant lies about it is more than spit in soul.
Post edited April 18, 2013 by Gremlion
Hi there!

My name is Alexander, I'm a producer of Eador. MotBW. We're now in the middle of 36-hours crunch, but it looks like we need to make a break and check this thread. Let me talk a little bit about the facts and the status of the project, and also about the developer's greed and their plans.

The third beta build has some visual and gameplay bugs (shown in the first post), which have already been amended - thanks to immediate response from the beta-testers, we really appreciate them. Will there be other bugs and issues in the game? Probably yes. It's a really complicated genre and also it's a PC project — only the latest update for Nvidia drivers cost us a week of overtime work.

I don't like all these marketing bullshit and hypocrisy things, so I always try to speak openly. I guess, it's the reason a certain part of Russian community hates me badly. But I'm not going to make myself an innocent child saying "The game will be released when it's ready" or "It will be totally bug-free". I have played every Paradox title since EU2 and can hardly remember any of them which could be "playable" during their first week. It's not my excuse, it's just the reality — for niche developers it's very hard to provide a final quality product from the launch date. They need some time to get it right. Does this fact affect the quality of 'Mount & Blade' or 'Hearts of Iron' as a game in general? I really doubt it.

EvilLoynis: Sadly, this is not a lie. They are THAT greedy. Souslov, producer, even said that he wanted to leave only 3 endings in release and sell other as DLCs.
Where could I've shared my thoughts about DLC policy in a such offensive manner? I think it was the first beta, an intro message, illustrated with an ugly cynical creature called Gremlin, who says he's a producer of this game and suggests - with demonic laughter - he should cut off some endings and sell it as DLC. Were we wrong in not adding this video there?

And last but not the least - the demonic greed of disputed developers. You know, the only reason we could start Eador's production is that we have been a successful local publisher in Russia. We have earned some money selling Disney's products and could earn much more if we turned to the brilliant world of social games and mobile apps with Winnie and his friends. We went into PC turn-based strategy instead, with a vague chance to even recoup our production costs. We can't even postpone the release anymore, because there soon will be a new Heroes 6 add-on, Fallen Enchantress: LH and Age of Wonders 3 as well. There really is no place for greedy bastards. Or, at least, there can be enough space for greedy morons, but are we? It's still discussable :)

No doubt about it, we want to support the game as long as possible. And we really need to know what the players think (in fact, we hear opposite reactions to the wheel of quarters - from 'Yeah, it's back!' to 'No, this piece of sh*t is back!' - sometimes we just need to receive as much information as possible to judge what we have on a proper basis).

We really hope you'll like our game, now I need to go back to the production mine. See you!
Souslov: I don't like all these marketing bullshit and hypocrisy things, so I always try to speak openly. I guess, it's the reason a certain part of Russian community hates me badly.
Hate? None. Just disrespect for man which lied to us with phrases "we postpone game for 9 months to add multiplayer" or for publically calling beta-testers "tajiks", which in the russian language is more offensive than calling someone "nigger".

Proper multiplayer in MOTBW. When? In Genesis?
Different resolutions for Genesis?
Post edited April 18, 2013 by Gremlion
Gremlion: Hate? None. Just disrespect for man which lied to us with phrases "we postpone game for 9 months to add multiplayer" or for calling beta-testers "tajiks", which in the russian language is more offensive than calling someone "nigger".
I call our QA team Romanians because they are from Romanian company. I'm really eager to know why you are so prejudiced about Romanian people, because it's a very lovely country and very nice people live there. Is it something personal?