Sandermatt: I am curently playing the campaign on expert with rather bad results. After like literally 100 attempts I now manage to conquer the first shard from time to time, but never could win a second one. Most tips here do not mention on which difficulty level the shard is played.
Can anybody of you tell me if trying to win on expert is feasible?
Don't reduce difficulty!
If you are used to play in lower diff, it will be more hard to play in expert later. Because tactics in expert mode and in begginer/skilled mode are not the same.
If it is too hard to you to play campaign in Expert, try to play some single maps, try some unexpectible tactics and you will have an expirience.
To be honest, many players have some troubles with firsts shards in campaign, because campaign difficulty is not well-balanced.
Try some of this starting tactics:
- Commander with barbarians and healer
- Commander with swordsmen and healer - more expensive but easy. You need to be sure that you have enough gold or metla near =))
- Warrior or Scout with some cheap units: robbers or spikemen
And i don't recommend to start with Mage hero in the fearly shards in campaign