Posted January 07, 2013
must have your province protected. Yes, as I said, there are stronger guards than monsters,
but they all come with a -1 (at least) mood or other drawbacks.
I looked but found mood doing nothing.
And some defenders are too expensive in the "single handedly bankrupt your entire kingdom" sense not in the "can't afford to place them in every province". Also IIRC monsters give a -2 to happiness and cannot be dismissed.
I do not think ignoring price is fair when looking for the BEST rather then the STRONGEST.
Pikes worse vs barbarians, because they activate their berserk BEFORE hit. And take higher
damage from axes.
And, honestly, I rarely see first two rings without them.
In the long run swordsmen just better.
Pikemen stuck as "anti tier 1 units", because heavy T2+ can soak first strike, nearly kill them,
and finish with second strike. Can be seen vs Minotaur - first strike, berserk, dead pikeman.
Smordsman can kill troll or knight with little to no help.
Swordsman at level 30 (as pictures) might be able to... but they don't normally survive that long. at levels 0-3 they are as weak and disposable as other t1 units and at that level (and what they are used FOR, which is fighting lowbie enemies to gain XP for hero) they are better.
Somewhere between hero level 5-10 I replace all t1 units with crossbowmen and let the higher tiered units come to the front.
Halves enemy armor AND have doubleshot AND improved rest AND can gather ammo
Even getting it to level 12 for the double shot is extremely unlikely.
Post edited January 07, 2013 by taltamir